Patcher Pup

Monstrous. Hopefully the baby is young enough that she won't remember seeing her mother murdered.

A true visionary and pioneer, that man.

That's a fantastic answer provided to a person who isn't looking for one. Kineada is a troll, not worth your time.

We could fill many books with the shit you don't understand, dippity.

"Education needs to be a safe space," she said. "If schools walk into this and aren't fully aware that Chromebooks that google donated' to kids in the 9th grade are collecting data on those kids. . ."

. . .and? I know very, very few people who would claim that gender identity and roles are entirely social. It's what we do with those tendencies, and how we encourage and discourage certain behaviors in our children.

". . .without the knowledge or consent of his original partner(s)."

That was delightful!

Poor kid. At this point a different school would probably be the best option. After the national news dust-up the bullying is only going to increase. Hopefully he can get back in class soon and not fall further behind because of this.

"When his editors wanted him to broaden his beat, he refused and was let go."

Hell, not even cheating, how many divorced people hate on gays?

This is good general advice, but certain types of beers like IPAs will need to be poured a bit differently...better buy a six-pack, practice makes perfect!

Really? I have something nice to say - Fred Phelps is dead. That's nice, ain't it?

"I ask you to retire me at a reduced rank and not punish my family, depriving them of benefits they have earned," he said.

Looks yummy! And just as important, I actually have most of these ingredients on hand. Thanks!

I wonder what would it look like for members of the royal family to actually "spend beyond their means." I'm sure they can swing the occasional $50 burger. . .

They did this in front of officers' spouses?! Good Lord, there's stupid and then there's THIS.

How old is your kiddo? Sounds normal and healthy to me! They always have to chunk up before a growth spurt.

I love it. Well done, you guys.

Yeah, I have to wonder how thorough they were in that diagnosis. I'm sure they looked at the obvious culprits, like something thyroid-related, but what if he has something rare? I wonder how many developmental milestones this will screw up.