Patcher Pup

You should try one and film it for our enjoyment. >:)

"gloryholster" is a fool and a troll. You have made excellent points in your responses to him, but I'm afraid it's a waste of time when dealing with someone so deliberately obtuse. Better to just delete his posts.

Ha! That's great. I love the idea of tackling it with another, equally absurd myth.

You've hit the nail on the head. Thank you for your response.

Oh, you forgot to mention, the tweet that said "I've only been with like one guy" was accompanied by a picture of a cave. A fucking cave. What a perfect way to illustrate WHY women will lie about the number of partners they've had. When one has to deal with the absurd myth that more sex = stretched-out, broken

I mean really. They're not Pokemon to be collected.

Why not both? I know based on my experiences in school my male math teachers were more likely to take the time to work outside of class with male students. The girls were often seen as a "lost cause."

That's incredibly lame that you got an upsetting email right before the weekend! I used to have a boss that would pull crap like that and it was annoying as hell. That said, I don't think your supervisor is really trying to treat you like a child. It's a good thing to have a boss who actually cares about whether or

I'm all ears! What happened at work?

Pffft. Says you. Nothing wrong with sex on the first date if both people want it and are clear about their expectations.

Wow. I'll try to stay positive here - this really makes me admire and appreciate the female West Point cadets even more. Look at the shit they're putting up with and STILL succeeding!

I'm pretty sure the cat would just sullenly flop onto its side, tail twitching, and refuse to move. At least that's what happens when we put any sort of object on our cats.

This gif is glorious. What on earth is it from?

And the bubble continues to grow. It really is frightening how effectively right-wing Christians can shield their children from any and all elements of the real world. I can't even imagine the shock one would suffer after a childhood of church, homeschooling, and insular groups like the Heritage Girls. Oof.

Thank you! This would just piss me off.

Yes! Those were fascinating. I read them with my jaw on the floor. The ability of the human mind to hold such completely contradictory thoughts at the same time is amazing.

"It's actually kind of amazing to me that the thing Republicans in the House took umbrage with here wasn't Holmes' implication that parents "let" or "make" their daughters have abortions, that daughters sex-parts are the property of their parents."

Yes, he is a gift to us all. A talented, compassionate individual who refuses to take himself seriously.

Eh, we've all done things we're not proud of. :P

Oh wow. I mean, whatever blows your skirt up, but damn. Clamato beer tastes like infected discharge from Satan's weiner.