Patcher Pup

Interesting! I never even took the SAT. I did fine on the ACT and then heard back from my first choice school before I had a chance to schedule the SAT.

"12 years a slob." Aside from the heinous racism, what a shitty thing to say. I thought Ms. Sidibe looked lovely. Racist AND hateful to a bigger woman! He should win a prize or something.

Bingo. Especially with a new kiddo. Even royal babies put everything in their mouths.

Yes, thank you! Science reporting on this site has become a game of telephone with larger-than-normal words.

The virus was introduced with a small swab. I know that doesn't make it okay, but there's just no other way right now to do this research. Animal medical research saves many, many lives. Now, using animals for cosmetics testing? Screw that shit.

There's a big difference between renovating and redecorating. :) The million pounds of tax money was spent on structural repairs, not paint. Pardon me, I meant "flamboyant" paint. I'm not saying that renovating the living quarters of a wealthy family is a good use of taxpayer money, but let's not confuse these two

I have previously enjoyed dipping doritos in salsa. Should I be ashamed? In my defense, I was stoned out of my gourd.

Well. . .yeah? It's still just a doll, a passive toy, no matter what sort of accessories you give it. Far better that you buy your daughter a toy doctor's bag. That's how you play doctor, not dressing up a doll to look like a doctor.

"The theme: "how the gospel shapes a person's sexual identity, redeems sexual desire and sets free people held captive by sin."

Thank you! Falafel is glorious. Some warm pita bread, fried falafel balls, topped with yogurt and fresh tomato and cucumber. . .delicious.

I love it when these MRA types use the word "female" like they're talking about an entirely different species. It's a great way to distinguish the comments that should only be ignored, perhaps laughed at.

Postpartum depression and psychosis can completely change a person. That line of thinking can start making sense real fast. Combine it with sleep deprivation and garden-variety stress and things like this can happen easily. I hope she gets the help she needs.

This is theft, plain and simple. I hope they can get their dog back.

Let's note that it's not the woman in front, but the one standing in the right corner of the bottom pic. I think she looks great. Hopefully they do a decent job with the writing.

Always nice to see white collar criminals get their comeuppance.

Honestly, they don't deserve anyone's empathy or sympathy. Forty-six months and deportation is nothing compared to the sentences doled out to people with fewer connections.

Those earthworms need to take one for the team, Mr. Ogre.

Point to it, Sarah. Point to Russia and the Ukraine on a map. I double-dog dare ya.

"Sheriff's Capt. Larry Malcomson said the jail has limited refrigeration capacity and lacks other the necessary facilities to allow all incarcerated nursing mothers to express milk."

Free fudge? Damn, I've got a lot of weight to gain by the end of the day.