Patcher Pup

This is fantastic news! Having seen the sweets and junk foods that often get passed out at the local food pantries, any effort to get more fruits and veggies to the needy is wonderful. WIC is a fantastic program, it's been improving lives for forty years now.

Welp. I'm not sure what I can say about this. At least he's having safe snackfood sex?

People suck, and ignorance is no excuse. I can't imagine how angry I'd be if anyone said crap like that to my child. "Why didn't you get one that was perfect?" Good God. I know it's unlikely that this family will see any comments here, but if I could, I'd tell these two beautiful, perfect girls to keep their heads

Are you serious? He's been given ANOTHER sitcom? Good Lord.

I guess I just don't understand why the conservatives always always ALWAYS make it about money and nothing else. Are they really so simple-minded that they can't understand there are other benefits?

Thank you for the tip! Those look quite useful!

Somewhere a creepily overprotective father is weeping into his beer.

There's no winning with these types of guys. You can't reason with blind, irrational hatred.

How often do I really need to clean the refrigerator coils? It's such a pain in the ass to move the stupid thing. Any shortcuts/cheats?

Oh, I would certainly agree that it's going to get worse when we have a woman as president.

It's a fucked up world if even a woman as gorgeous as Lupita Nyong'o can feel ashamed of her own skin.

This is a fantastic idea, thank you!

"I am so fucking tired of this shit, that I really wouldn't mind shooting a bitch dead in the face. ... They are evil. ALL OF THEM!!! ... This is a gender war, and women, ALL WOMEN! are the enemies, there is no compromising."

My extended family will be going to Orlando this summer. I will NOT be taking my kid to SeaWorld, and the rest of the family is already trying to make me feel bad about it. "All her cousins are going! She's going to feel so left out!" Ugh. You want to take your kid to visit sad animals? Go for it. Leave me out

Listen Paula, you can do so much better than this scumbag. Keep walking away and don't look back. You didn't feel disrespected, you were disrespected. Thicke is a misogynistic creep. Do you want your son to grow up thinking it's okay to treat women like that?

Me too. That poor woman. Her physical injuries were minor, but that's a hell of a psychological injury - realizing a whole bus full of people don't give a damn about your safety.

If it's made with diet coke I wonder where the thirty calories come from?

Interesting staging, having them on their sides. I thought it was sweet, but yeah, why couldn't they lock the damn door? I know if I had kids that age I'd check the lock ten times before initiating sex.

"Clad in stonewash jeans, fleece, and comfortable sneakers, both types looked like they might've just stepped off an R-train after shopping in Times Square."

I have a question for you, doc pinesinger - When you're treating a person who's going to be on opiate pain medicine for a long time, what's the maximum amount of acetaminophen they should be ingesting every day? Do you try to steer people away from the medicines that contain tylenol?