Wow. That's worse than the toothbrushes and raisins I got from the local dentist.
Wow. That's worse than the toothbrushes and raisins I got from the local dentist.
Seriously. What "a bitch."
You know, there were/are a LOT of different tribes. Isn't it amazing how every single clueless white person always claims to be Cherokee?
There are many, many more who DO know and just don't care.
A victory lap? In high school?! This is probably terrible of me to say this about teenage kids, but god, what a bunch of losers. Who the hell wants to take a high school victory lap, seriously?
I'm sure there are many different causes. It's not all money, but the money doesn't hurt. In my hometown, the boys' teams were much more "clubby" than the girls' teams. There were several years when the football team won the state championship, and guys that had graduated, some as many as ten or fifteen years…
Who cares if it impacts the school?
brb pissing pants
I didn't realize that this Ted Cruz dipshit has daughters. Those poor girls.
Seriously. A store like Barney's is FULL of overpriced shit. Overpriced shit that people apparently buy. Why fixate on that, and not the racial profiling?
I hope they cleared this with her pediatrician - this seems a little extreme for her growing body.
Oh, one of those dime-a-dozen types. I see.
You certainly have my permission - that would be awesome.
Sometimes I feel like the last damn person who didn't read those books, but. . .wasn't his character supposed to be older?
Bags are MUCH easier to hide in the closet in the event of emergency cleaning.
I hope he threw up all over that gown.
From the link, it sounds like they've tried a lot of different things to get the road fixed, and this is their second sex strike. At least they're trying.
Fourteen hours to the nearest hospital? God, that's awful. Good on them for trying something. According to the link they held a sex strike two years ago and were promised a new road, but it didn't happen.
"I'll never have the opportunity to work for free for this company MY DREAMS ARE CRUSHED."
We can try all we want, but approaching this with logic, reason, and solid financial statistics will do nothing for the anti-birth control and abortion types.