Well, looks like I have reading material for this evening! It's beautifully drawn.
Well, looks like I have reading material for this evening! It's beautifully drawn.
I'm not surprised that these happened at an Arizona airport - I received shitty treatment there too. Nothing as bad as these folks, but a TSA staffer pulled my medicine out of my purse and loudly asked me what I took it for. Real nice. I guess I should be grateful that they didn't take it from me.
Yes, Mr. Shaftan, tell us all about boobies. Do they feel like bags of sand?
I will definitely give you some muffled applause! I'm not ever going to "have it all" and that's fine by me.
"What up, Negroes?"
"Castro also had the Bible open and had pictures of his family laid out in a poster board format on the floor."
"Abortion is 14 times safer than giving birth."
From the WABE article: "Many students declined to comment, and a handful wearing Greek letters said they were told not to talk, though it was unclear where that directive came from."
That's an excellent idea. I always wonder about the people who put a million photos up on Facebook of their child being potty-trained. Is that really going to seem like a good idea when your kid hits puberty and their peers torment them with those pictures?
Eh, they probably could have cut out the last ten seconds. I really didn't need to see the turds and piss tumbling out of that one elephant. So much piss.
I love Maymo! These videos are just about perfect. Maymo's human does a great job filming. Great timing, great editing, and the clips aren't too long. Everyone who wants to put up videos of their cute animal should take lessons.
Now now, give Miley a little credit - she did a good job with the crazy eyes.
Seriously? Someone actually used the word "mulatto?" Oh, Jesus. That's awful.
It's amazing what humans are capable of, isn't it? Another good book to read is "The Beasts of Buchenwald," it talks about Ilse Koch and her husband. She was a real piece of work. . .had lampshades made out of prisoners' skin.
Did anyone else get a look at the photo of Michelle Williams and her daughter? Wow, that little girl looks so much like Heath Ledger! Poor kid, I wish she wasn't growing up without him.
Well, that was surprisingly listenable. Thanks, Questlove and company.
THANK YOU. That was absurdly simplistic.