Patcher Pup

What a great story, and what a beautiful young woman! This girl is going places.

I. . .had no idea tacos were so difficult to make.

Wow, you weren't kidding. The "diplomats and diapers" shit was up there for the entire interview. God, that's idiotic.

You left out one of the best parts!


Today's Republican party is a danger to the United States. They are actively fighting against Democracy.

Because I'm a dumbass, I tried to star your comment by clicking on the "Do" button.

I always feel like the Evil Stepmother in Cinderella never gets enough love when we talk about Disney villains. She was the scariest to me, maybe because she didn't have any supernatural powers. She was just. . .evil.

Oh, yuck. Troll patrol is definitely needed on this article. The MRAs have arrived. . .

I haven't watched much of his shows, but of the bits I've seen, it appears that he only really loses it when it's something serious. Like, people are handling or preparing food in an unsafe manner. If someone with a compromised immune system ate undercooked meat at one of those restaurants they could become terribly

"He can't be really mean because we're kids"

"The four plaintiffs in the case filed in federal court all had jobs that required them to call businesswoman to promote association certifications that cost as much as $995 (mahogany-framed “Woman of the Year” plaque included)."

So basically, it's going to come down to whether I prefer a blood clot or a broken hip, uterine cancer versus colorectal cancer. This is just nutty. It certainly can suck to be a woman.

"The pair purchased over $1,600 US dollars worth of virtual pets and clothing, all while playing a game unsupervised on their parents' iPad."

Isn't it great? I'd buy a print of this in a heartbeat.

Adorable and impressive! That's hard work for a little kid.

As much as this all sucks, it's going to pale in comparison to what we'll face in mid-October, when they fight over the debt ceiling.

Looking at that zebra thing in the middle of the sixth row made me feel like I was having a stroke. "Courtney Love costume party" is the perfect description.

They can't sue because the pharmaceutical industry has absurd amounts of political power.

They can't sue because the pharmaceutical industry has absurd amounts of political power.