Babysitting that little beast? There ain't enough money in the world to make it worthwhile.
Babysitting that little beast? There ain't enough money in the world to make it worthwhile.
I'm dreading this. Just a few short years and I'll be having to deal with this stuff. Parents of older children - how DO you handle your child's online interactions? Any strategies you'd care to share?
The whole thing is worth a read, but do yourself a favor and stay far, far away from the comments. They are disappointing.
A-HEM. You're leaving out a very important detail - she's being interviewed by Tom Hiddleston.
Good, I'm glad that they have to pay damages to her. Oh, and the bakery owner pulled out the old "Nuh-uh, YOU'RE racist!" bit:
I love hearing the folks on NPR try to be diplomatic while discussing the Republicans' motives. You know they're just dying to call them all sorts of bad things.
Well, if they convict her this time, she'd better not travel anywhere in the European Union. It's a complete crock of shit, but Italy can flag her passport and another EU member country would have to hand her over. Honestly, she should probably just stay in the U.S., forever.
Oh, one of my favorite things about this whole right-wing temper tantrum has been how some of them still refer to "The Obamacare Bill," like it's still up for debate and discussion.
This is what it looks like when a political party goes completely off the rails and lets their nuttiest members run the show. Maybe there are a few sane Republicans left, but it doesn't matter as long as people like Ted Cruz are calling the shots.
Yes, it's their fault for falsifying all those documents, but holy god did the banks even check ANYTHING? I mean, they were just handing out $800,000 loans like that? No wonder the economy tanked.
Yes, it's their fault for falsifying all those documents, but holy god did the banks even check ANYTHING? I mean, they were just handing out $800,000 loans like that? No wonder the economy tanked.
There's no chance in hell she'll be extradited.
I hope to God she doesn't get on the plane.
I will freely admit that doing kid stuff again is one of the best parts of having kids. I get to go to the toy store WHENEVER I WANT.
No, that's not fair for your friend to assume that, because duh, he's not a woman! It would be as absurd as me assuming that I could speak for the experiences of gay men. It's still mansplaining even if a gay man is doing it.
An excellent article. Sounds a lot like my small rural high school, to be honest. This shit is still going on at small and not-so-small schools across the country. Serious bullshit.
But is it role play if he's domineering and controlling in ALL aspects of her life? Controlling to the point that she's afraid to move her bowels in her own house?
Seriously. Look at the head on that thing!
Well of course she doesn't think it's about rape. She doesn't know what rape IS.
How can anyone enjoy watching this show?!? After five minutes I have to turn it off. Acute secondhand shame and embarrassment kick in and I can't watch anymore. I just feel so awful for those poor, desperately ill people.