From the article: "He allegedly threatened Wolf that unless she heeded his demands, he would release her nude photos "all over the Internet" and "your dream of being a model will be transformed into a pornstar."
From the article: "He allegedly threatened Wolf that unless she heeded his demands, he would release her nude photos "all over the Internet" and "your dream of being a model will be transformed into a pornstar."
I wondered the same thing. There are no schools in the UK that could work with him?
You're leaving? WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!
Get rid of the fries?! The fries are the only thing worth getting at that place.
"If the gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta from another manufacturer."
From the article: "In May researchers reported that political conservatives are more likely than liberals to categorize ambiguous black-white faces as black."
“People said; ‘Wow, you look great. You look happy.’ ”
That's nice that she's trying so hard to keep the chateau in her family. I wonder what sort of help is available? Does France have anything like the UK's National Trust for Historic Preservation?
Oh, I hope she can do well. Texas has had the SHIT gerrymandered out of it by the Republicans though.
Rihanna, apparently. I agree, it's pretty damn silly.
I'm lucky to have a family member that gives me all her daughter's hand-me-downs. They live in a fairly affluent area, and so she will buy amazingly expensive toddler clothes at people's garage sales, lots of stuff from Gap Baby, Ralph Lauren, and (yes) J. Crew. I'm grateful to get it all, but I can't believe how…
Excellent idea! I've found that litter box training really saves on diapers, too.
Why on God's green earth would you buy ANY day to day piece of clothing for a baby that isn't machine washable?! I mean, maybe a really nice outfit for professional pictures or an heirloom christening gown or something, but a onesie? Made of cashmere? I don't want to believe that people who know anything about…
Narrow-minded jackass. Also, it sounds like he's one of those professors who loves nothing more than the sound of his own voice. He must be insufferable to have as a teacher.
Yes, you're a bad person. But not because of that. ;)
Over half of the states had D and F averages - why single out Louisiana? Life as a woman is a big ol' shit sandwich with mayonnaise in most of the country.
But oh no, the business world doesn't have a problem with women! No sir-ee. All the opposition to Yellen is COMPLETELY unrelated to the fact she's a woman.
Yes, thank you!
Hearing a guy call his girlfriend/wife "babe" or "babes" just makes me think of that football player from Daria, can't remember his name.