Glorious. I didn't think I could watch ten minutes of this, but happily I was wrong.
Glorious. I didn't think I could watch ten minutes of this, but happily I was wrong.
Doesn't change how I feel. If you expect someone to stay home and raise your kids and stay out of the workforce, you need to support them.
Complicated feelings for me. It's a little weird to me that they're enforcing this when there was nothing in writing, at all. But who the hell doesn't think they need to support their four children after 39 years of a relationship? Get your shit together, Gordon.
He's a racist, a fuckwit, AND here's this delightful tidbit - his "Girlfriend of Eleven Years" has a restraining order against him.
The Daily Mail? I'll take this story with an 800 pound grain of salt.
Linking your ex's name to Nickelback is the very definition of fucking someone over in the long term.
Well. That is certainly an eye-catching illustration.
We can't have this because of political opposition? Screw you, right-wingers, screw you so hard. Screw you for calling everyone else "nanny-staters" when you're the ones pulling shit like this.
I think it's unfortunate that NICWA wanted to hang their hat on this case. This guy sucks - he has other children that he refuses to pay child support for, he just drops in and out of their lives as he sees fit and thinks it's okay. Don't play the deploying military card, it's bull. Plenty of parents deploy without…
Yes, thank you! Naps need to be one full sleep cycle for me.
Heh, I was waiting for one to lean over and fart. Maybe we have the same uncle?
I'd really love more information on how exactly this works, because right now it sounds like there's some Olean/Olestra stuff going in these things. I'll take the regular amount of fat in favor of shitting like a goose, thanks.
The cars look fun, but no plastic race track can ever be better than a good old wrapping paper tube. We would make the best damn racetracks every year after Christmas.
Put your clothes back on, sheesh.
Predictably, the comments on the Cameron Douglas article are variations on "It's prison, it's supposed to suck!" Really, people? You're okay with watching human beings thrown into solitary confinement until their eyes can't handle regular sunlight? Assholes.
"Abraham had a professional cast made of her naked body and will be releasing a line of Farrah-Abraham's-genitals-shaped novelties. . ." Great, now I know what to get Nana for Christmas!". . .in early 2014." Well, goddammit.
That's not at all abnormal. I had an older sibling who liked to pry and spy when we were teenagers, and it made me very cautious about sharing dating information with my family. Now I'm married and boring and have nothing to share!
What the hell, Samantha?! Lemon poppy seed muffins are delicious. Oh, and Cher, you need to drink a glass of water and go to bed.
Oh, no doubt. But the dumbest ones haven't even realized how screwed their party is. Ignorance really is bliss! (I know this because unfortunately I'm related to some of them)
Go for it, dum-dum. God knows "Stupid and Proud" seems to work for the Republicans.