Patcher Pup

That's ridiculous! My MIL has never come right out and done something like that, she just settles for passive-aggressive comments to me (and never to her son, of course).

(nods head) Yep, that sounds exactly like what I'm going through. They don't expect ANYTHING of their adult sons. The men don't even have to help clean up the kitchen after family meals! That's a big no-no in my family - whoever didn't cook the meal needs to do the washing-up. The older I get the more I realizeā€¦

"Men get a pass. Not women, the bitches."

Love her. She's gorgeous and damn smart too, read this quote:

They couldn't just relocate? Yes, I know that's easier said than done in a city like San Francisco, but you'd think such a well-known place would at least try. . .

If the shoe fits, wear it, manchild. Nice job throwing around the word "cunt." Nothing marks out a classy gentleman quite like that.

I've had some interesting experiences! I wouldn't jump right to "ghosts!" for every single one, but it seems closed-minded to say there's no possible way for supernatural stuff to exist.

Excellent! I'll have to give them a look. I'm always on the hunt for new, non-sucky books. There's just so much crap out there, and it's exhausting trying to sift through it to find the gems.

Scary stuff! It was probably the cough medicine that did it (not that I would know from personal experience or anything, cough cough).

I'm so sorry. It's always awful when a beloved pet dies, but it's even worse when it's a young pet. Here's an excellent link for you to read, from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary:

As one passenger told the New York Times, ā€œIā€™m pro-cat, but this is absurd.ā€

Oh God, the Ambien dreams. I don't take that shit anymore for a reason. I woke up one night, inconsolable because I thought the lamps in our bedroom were fighting. I don't remember any of this, but apparently I was SO upset. "Why can't you just get along!!?" I screamed at the floor and desk lamps.

Boring school uniforms for everyone!

Really, what is there to say?

"Mounting Nittany?" That's the grossest damn name for a sex column I've ever seen.

Ah, if only Santorum were perceptive enough to realize this.

Oh. . .I think you know. I think we all know.

According to the article they're thinking of keeping Amanda Bynes hospitalized through the first of the year. I wish her the best, but I can't help thinking how different her treatment has been from the average person who ends up on psychiatric hold.

From the article:

Well, your name IS mantis_shrimp, so I'd assume you have a thing for unusual pets.