Patcher Pup

She was great! I really hope she can keep it together. Obviously there's no shame in relapsing, as long as you pull yourself back up and try. Best of luck to her.

I don't know where the hell you found this, but my two-year-old is rockin' out HARD to the song. I've played it three times now and she hasn't had enough.

He plays their MANAGER? He's not even a singer? Wow, the cover really does make it look like he's the lead singer and they're his backups. How stupid. How racist. How tiring. I'm so sick of this shit.

Interesting finding out that Russell Brand basically IS the dipshit he played in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. What a jackass.

I think everyone should chip in to send one of the Jezebel ladies on the Paula Deen cruise. I would really enjoy the dispatches.

How about the dipshit boys who can't handle the fact that a woman is playing the game and is explicitly NOT interested in them? They're everywhere. They're the reason I usually don't turn my mic on.

'political ads "masquerading as an unbiased production."'

Don't worry, it only says awesome things about you as a person.

Great piece, very interesting and thought-provoking stuff! The prevalence of douching is an interesting thing. I fall on the same side of the divide as you, I've never done it, never knew anyone who still did it, and always wondered why there were still shelves upon shelves of Summer's Eve at the local store.

What's really sad is not that these lawyers will make this argument, because as much as it sucks, it IS kinda their job. . .what's really terrible is the number of ordinary people out there who will buy this bullshit excuse.

I can't love this comment enough.

Thanks Callie - it's 10:30 in the morning and now I'm craving White Castle. So damn good, even with the suffocating farts it gives me. . .

Related - would it kill makers of kids clothes to have a few t-shirts in "girl" colors with dinosaurs on them?

Sure, why the hell not? Many video gamers have that whole "Scared to death of women, especially women in power" thing down. . .

Hooray for you! It sounds like you've worked very hard for this, congratulations!

These confidentiality laws are bullshit, we can thank the food industry's friendly lobbyists for that. My sympathies to everyone who has to deal with the outbreak. I was desperately ill last week, and when I went to the hospital, they thought I might be one of the people infected with cyclospora, but I was just

Why yes, Simon Pegg did brighten my afternoon, how did you know?

Why?! Why do you want to ruin the bride's SPECIAL DAAAAY?! You monster, how could you even think of ruining the most important day of her entire life! Now put this corset on and shut your cakehole.

First of all, she seems pretty awesome, and the fact that people are focusing on the crying is shitty but incredibly predictable. I'll be honest though, when I see people cry at work, it does change how I view them, at least a little bit. Let me clarify, I'm not talking about when something really terrible happens,

Oh gee, a Republican politician lying about his agenda, and fighting to roll back women's rights. How shocking.