Patcher Pup

I will never understand expensive handbags/purses/clutches/whatever. Maybe a couple hundred bucks if it's something I really love, but $2,000? Of course, I don't live in an area of the country noted for high fashion, but still. I can think of so many different things I'd rather do with that money. But hey, if


It depends on how old your niece is, I suppose. Some of the stories are pretty spooky! There's also some mature-ish stuff dealing with racism and prejudice. One story has a black man's ghost avenging his murder at the hands of a KKK member. I think I read it around age nine. Even if she's a little young right

I suggested this already in another thread, but Please Baby Please and Please Puppy Please are two great picture books. They're written by Spike Lee and his wife. Great illustrations, cute prose, and "being non-white" is not the purpose of either book. Also, if you're looking for "classics," Corduroy the Bear

Everyone's saying it's a big day for gay people. Nah, it's a big day for anyone who gives a damn about equality.

Sort of related, but since you liked The People Could Fly, did you ever read The Dark Thirty? It was a collection of Southern Afro-American ghost stories. No one around here has ever freaking heard of it, and it was my favorite book as a kid.

What about Please Baby Please and/or Please Puppy Please by Spike and Tonya Lee? My kiddo loves those two books.

Well, let's be honest, sixty isn't old, but we're talking Paula - the racism adds about twenty years. Thanks for watching for me.

"The people can't come and create so much of a ruckus that we can't do our job," said state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston.

Whatever, haters. I still have my Hillary '08 hoodie. I still wear it sometimes, too.

Oh God. I can't watch this. I know she's awful, but I can't watch old ladies cry. Even if they're terrible people. Nope, can't watch.

Pocoyo! Hooray! My kiddo's favorite cartoon. (Well, favorite cartoon that I can tolerate).

Wow, I'd actually forgotten that so-called straight weddings have to figure out this nonsense. So glad we didn't mess with any of this.

Hmm, sounds like it's just a different flavor of what I saw when a female boss I had constantly sabotaged the careers of other women working for her. Of course, the difference is that individual was screwing over a half-dozen people. Clarence Thomas is potentially screwing over millions.

I'm glad the post was removed - you should have read some of the comments! They were stomach-churning. People calling a twelve-year-old child a slut, skank, whore, etc. Disgusting people.

I would be so embarrassed to be related to this little shit. She only had a 3.59! Of course you're not going to get into a really competitive school with a 3.59!

Hahahaha! Hahahaha! (cries)

"You don't just have sex in order to make yourself feel good," she lectures.