Pat Chan

@R0bster: Or they need to do what Dice did. The Bad Company games were built for consoles, but Battlefield 3 is clearly being geared toward PC gamers. I wouldn't say BC and BC2 were just "pay the bills" games. They were great, but just a differently shaped experience. They scaled down the size of the

@Hedgeson: The backpack is awesome. It feels a little cheap but looks great and is durable enough and big enough to actually be functional.

@Yigytugd: Having beaten the game down both paths already, I can tell you that waiting for a price drop is definitely the right option for you.

Maybe it's because I'm not good under pressure. :P

I'm running an AMD Phenom II Quad-Core.

Because you look like Sahz? o.O

@SeaKelp: Just out of curiosity, how good a graphics card would one need to run this game on high settings. I have 4GB of RAM on my laptop, so I'm pretty sure I'm good there but I know my graphics card is horrible for gaming. I'm normally not much of a PC gamer, but I really want to play Witcher 2 and if I'm going

I'm torn. I really want to watch this video to see how BF3 looks on consoles. But it would force me to watch Jimmy Fallon. And, even worse, it would force me to watch Jimmy Fallon play video games.

@dracosummoner: That's pretty much what my fem-Sheps look like everytime I try to create one. For my fem-Shep playthrough I stopped trying to create a tough looking yet comely female commander and just went with a bearable goth look that wouldn't irritate me for 20+ hours.

@immafattie: I always play as girls in brawlers because they tend to be the fastest characters and I like playing faster characters in brawlers. But in RPGs, I feel really weird playing as female characters. Even more so in MMOs. No idea why.

@Ari Kagura: Her GunBlade, By Fate: Male Shepard is pretty boring, but I feel like the female Shepard voice actor is trying way too hard sometimes. I don't think either of them are that great, to be honest. Though the supporting cast always pleases me with their performances.

@Bondage_Zombie: I don't know. The female Shepard's lines seem forced more often than the male Shepard's do to me. Granted the male Shepard's delivery is pretty monotone and boring a lot of the time, but in contrast, fem-Shep is pretty hammy. I, personally, don't think either of them are that great though I guess

@ValeriaHeart: I also mostly played Horde, actually exclusively after my first character. I have to say that in my experience, the Alliance has generally nicer players. I played with some very skilled guys and girls on the Horde side, but there are definitely a ton of people who act like douche bags because they

@phantomlink: I haven't played for a while now and I think I'm behind enough in levels and how the classes work to ever have a desire to go back, but I also miss raiding. There are really few things as rewarding in gaming as getting a dozen or more people together and working your way through long fights that

If I've already played Bayonetta and loved it but never played the DMC games, should I? I've heard from a lot of people that Bayonetta is what DMC would have eventually become in the right hands.

@CrispyLardon: Square keeps talking about the resources it would take to make a proper HD version of VII (would love a remake of VIII and IX as well), but the money they would rake in would completely justify the investment.

@SG-17: Wait, really? I would never criticize someone (too much) for their taste in anything but what is it exactly that you like about MiB? I loved Stargate and ID4, but MiB is simply a movie that I've seen. Some of the mythos was cool but as a film, I have no strong feelings about it one way or another.

@DocSeuss: I'll agree that the dialogue in Aliens is terrible, but can't you just have action in the movie for the sake of action?

The one combat improvement I'd like to see in UC3 is the ability to unlock that "ka-ching!" kill confirmation from multiplayer to use in the single player as a bonus. I love that sound. :)

@HisDivineOrder: Lol, I had a friend who was stuck on that section for literally days. He's not the best at shooters to begin with so he plays on easy and in addition, he forgot at that point in the game that you could run and gun. Once I reminded him he got through but I'm sure he'd agree with you.