Pat Chan

@meteora3255: AC II's (only played a few hours of the first one before getting incredibly bored) platforming feels pretty good as long as you're going in more or less a straight line at your own pace. When you're rushing and trying to be precise, it can get really frustrating. The tombs are actually a great example.

@rorkimaru: Yeah, I don't get why people are complaining about too much combat in a VIDEO GAME. I loved some of those bigger, drawn out gunfights. Most of the time they took place in wide open areas so you had a lot of flexibility in how to take guys out.

@ninjablaze: Ugh, why did you remind me about those God awful Star Wars edits...

@EnigmaticChemist: They eventually ported it to the PS2. That's the version I own.

@pan_22: God, that was the most frustrating part of trying to platinum that game. There really shouldn't be any trophies that are luck based (Pure Bladestone, 'nuff said). I was always hoping they'd patch in a smelting system where you could smelt ten shards into a chunk and five chunks into a pure, or something

@visionincision: Sony originally published the game in Japan, but didn't think it had enough appeal to warrant a western release. So Atlus picked up the European and North American publishing rights to great success. It was probably one of the easiest localization jobs they've ever had to do too since all the voices

@Shardik-the-man-bear: There was totally co-op in Demon's Souls. It was called drop-blue-soul-sign-in-an-obscure-location-and-awkwardly-voice-chat-over-speaker-phone mode. :P

I think the key is to put the work in and find a publication or a particular reviewer whose taste in games is similar to yours. Kevin Vanord and Jeff Gerstmann used to be my go-to guys but since Jeff is at GiantBomb now he doesn't review as many games. And I think EVERYONE scores Rockstar games too highly. :P

@Garbage_Bear: Wait, in what ways is Vanquish like God Hand? I'm asking because Vanquish is probably my favorite pure action game ever, but I'm having a hard time picturing how it'd be anything like a brawler that takes place in what appears to be a western setting from what I've seen of God Hand.

@grysl: Wow, really? I can see reviewers being split on MadWorld and MAYBE Bayonetta and Vanquish, but Okami? That game was pretty solid, I can't see much that people would have to complain about to justify a 67/100. Never played Viewtiful Joe so I can't speak to the quality of that game.

@Tapewormz: Well, it's hard to determine exactly what people are talking about when they say GOTY since a lot of publications give out game awards and there isn't really an "official" game awards authority. While it would never win something like Sp*keTV's Game of the Year, Demon's Souls did win Gamespot's game of

@SneakySpyGuy: If you want to be cheap, you can arrow spam the spider to death from the back of the tunnel. There is a semi-safe spot in the back-right corner that you can pop in and out of. Though charging your way up through her attacks and going head to head is way more fun. :)

@Firescorpio1: He might have been talking about MGS Rising.

Was dual wielding and using double sided light sabers way more common in this era of the Star Wars universe? Because I swear every trailer of this game I've seen features one of the two or both. Not that I'm complaining because the fights have been really well choreographed.

@hybrid92: I know Morgan is an actual gamer but the other girl seemed to simply have the job of saying "wow" a lot.

@Chestnut Bowl: I'm sure it's only a matter of time. The thing is, unless you want to limit the game's story to taking place on a single planet, it'd be infinitely more difficult to do a game with this kind of openness and detail in space. And a sci-fi RPG that only explores one planet would be a disappointment to a

@JesusChrist: You can tell he was taken aback by that question seeing as how his initial answer was, "'s harder to kill?"

@LucasReis: I don't know, I feel like history is repeating itself with fighting games getting hot and the market becoming over saturated with them. Capcom is by far the main perpetrator of this (three versions of Street Fighter IV, really?) just like they have been in the past. Even with fps games being as popular

I love Rhythm Heaven but I picked it up on mark down for $15, which I felt was the perfect price. I don't think I'd pay a full $50 for it, even if it does come with prettier graphics. Hopefully they release this at a lower price point.

@Sugoi: It'd be hilarious if in the next Katamari game, the King launches a giant finger attack at you when you fail a level.