@Shinta: Wouldn't you say that titles like Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden are the natural evolution of the beat 'em up? Granted they sprinkle some light platforming and puzzle solving in there.
@Shinta: Wouldn't you say that titles like Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden are the natural evolution of the beat 'em up? Granted they sprinkle some light platforming and puzzle solving in there.
@Helba: Will Stop the Motor of the World: A grayish blob?
@Jecht: So much Japanese melodrama. I was hoping to see a lot more gameplay. :'(
@Rachel Fogg: Lol, so with everything you've seen at E3, those are the only two games you're interested in buying?
I'd be down with that too, love Jimmy Johns. Coincidentally, I have a Subway, a Penn Station, and a Jimmy Johns all down the road from me.
Yeah, I know, I was mostly joking. I do wish they had chosen a more flavorful chain though, like maybe Chipolte. ;)
I'm not sure what that means but I don't live in New York which is what it sounds like you're asking, hopefully.
Lol, Subway is okay. I've had it so much over the course of my life because they're always around, but their sandwiches are so bland.
Yeah, I was half joking because I was pretty sure Penn Station was a regional thing. I just like their subs better. :)
Whoa, Miyamoto, perhaps if you remember how amazing A Link to the Past is you'd realize that is a little drastic.
Ugh, to connect such an epic game to such a mediocre sandwich shop. Hook up with Penn Station Naughty Dog!!!
That was cute and all, but also just a tech demo, and it didn't look like a tech demo that couldn't be done on the 360 or PS3. However, graphics aren't really what I'm interested in here. That controller is! As long as the console is up to date and HD capable that's fine. Get that out of the way and give me some…
@AnonJWalker: Are you being serious? Do you not know how technology works? By your logic, the PS3 and 360 slims would have to be less powerful than the previous versions of the consoles.
@JesusChrist: Is that not the same thing as the thieve's guild? Sorry, I'm kind of clueless about the Elder Scrolls universe. :(
Fuck you Comcast, fuck Spike TV, fuck MTV, and fuck Gametrailers even though I continue to go there because I love video games more than I love my principles.
@darthdomokun: No. I had a link somewhere that says who the actual voice actress is but no longer.
So she's asking him to kill her rather than let her be recaptured by these guys. I foresee some difficult decisions to be made in this game.
@Colonelcool_: You need to have more faith in yourself! Maybe you'd have been an invaluable member of the Resistance. :)
This hand cam version doesn't do the demo justice.
@Nslick: Well, it wasn't due out until 2012 anyway, so if they've been working on it since before E3 it's a stretch to call having a year to modify some controls last minute.