@Evdor: He was my favorite character in 2, but his voice sounded off in the video to me.
@Evdor: He was my favorite character in 2, but his voice sounded off in the video to me.
I hope that's just a placeholder voice-over for Mordin because that didn't sound anywhere near as good as it did in ME2.
@nonplusx: Lol, comments like this are the reason I come to Kotaku. :)
@Bubbleman! Don't Metalblade me bro!: I think the M.O. nowadays is to start the initial hype with a teaser that shows...well, nothing, then move onto the CG trailer, then move on to the gameplay. I also get annoyed when I see a trailer for a game that I might be interested in that shows zero gameplay. Of all the E3…
@Gamer4Iife: A bowl of instant noodles and a can of tuna in olive oil is a gour-fucking-met meal for about $2.
@FeatherNET [ :D ]: Bonjour mes bébés collègues!
So the PC version is going to have 32 vs. 32 multiplayer matches whereas the consoles will only get 8 vs. 8, right?
Dammit, Spike TV! Why can't you just stay away from me?!
@Jackstick: I'm assuming it's because they couldn't do a simple upscaling of the graphics on the first one, since it's a PS1 game. They'd have to build it from the ground up. Or redo the Twin Snakes version but another post mentioned something about Nintendo having the rights to that game. Plus, who wants to play…
@slateman: I think MGS2 stands out in people's minds because of the massive graphical leap between MGS1 and 2. MGS2 was plain awe inspiring at the time and had tons of welcome gameplay tweaks. That said, I agree with you on the story and bosses. They're no where near the level of the first game's, though the story…
@Raso719: Nope. Notice how MGS1 isn't included in the collection? That's because they'd have to do the game over from scratch, unless they upscaled the Twin Snakes version. But who wants that?
In that case, you just pull the fire alarm and then watch the trailer.
Kevin Butler
I'm glad this one is going to be on consoles because my graphics card is pitiful for gaming.
Here it is in motion:
@DELICIOUS BUNNY: Or you could always take your phone to the bathroom, lol.
Yeah, I find that interesting since 70% of his songs have almost the same sound. I really like some of his songs but I don't get why of all electronic artists, he's the one that (kind of) broke into the mainstream.
@Kellen: "Something that it never was."
I'll never understand why they're using Skrillex for their trailers. I love Uncharted and I like Skrillex, but I don't like electro-house in my Uncharted. When I think of Uncharted, I think of sweeping scores with real instruments.
I'm getting a nifty messenger bag with my inFamous 2 AND access to the Uncharted 3 beta? So much win in such a...medium sized package.