@staySICK: Potato or micro?
Coincidentally, a friend and I were chatting on Facebook the other day about how amazing the music in Jurassic Park is. Why isn't this out on Blu-Ray yet?
@sandorasbox: Ugh, the platinum for that game frustrates me because the weapon upgrade trophies are luck-centric. I have all the trophies except four bronze ones for some of the more rare stones. I've been farming with a character with Luck around 35 and the Large Sword of Searching on PBWT and I STILL can't get an…
@vorpal_raddish: In his defense, blast shard collecting made for some of the most tedious hours of my gaming life, lol. Still did it though! NEED TROPHIES.
@hazelnut1112: Agreed. That was the first platinum I ever received. Finished the game on normal and saw that I only had about four trophies left for the platinum. So, "FUCK IT!" I said!
@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: I have a running competition with one of my best friends to see who can get more platinums and it's good motivation to platinum that next game. But we've been doing this for about two years and I only have six and he only has four. Other than him I only have one other person on my friends list with…
Why would you care enough to do that? It's not like you can redeem the trophies for something with real world value. The sole function of a PSN trophy is to show you and your friends what you have achieved in your games. If you haven't done anything for them then they don't really matter, like Milli Vanilli's…
I don't think The Church of Unitology is a cult in the game. It seems to be a pretty widespread and socially accepted religion.
@Goo4You: I can't watch stuff like that, I get embarrassed for the people involved. Care to summarize?
@fuzzlemail: Don't blame G4...well, yes, blame them but also blame the mindless saps who continue to watch their programming.
I will never in my life understand why people go so bonkers over her. But if her "success" gets her off The Daily Show I'm all for it.
@Eltigro: Lol'd so hard. So damn hard. :D
@ARYXANDRE: Eh, I'd rather watch Jeopardy than chess. At least I can play along while watching Jeopardy.
@dkl415: 33-8 for me. :)
I want to see how it does on the fun categories like "Before and After."
@Toshi: That's what she said.
@Tevor_the_Third: Yeah, that was my point. The fact that it's set in the US makes me very skeptical about the quality of the story. It seems they're going to be relying heavily on a kind of, "They're invading the US?!..................I'M FROM THERE!" reaction.
@Altima NEO: G4's not much of a television network.
People still watch Attack of the Show? Hasn't everyone realized what a tool Kevin Pereira is yet?