Pat Chan

@Rachel Fogg: I'm in the same boat. I'm limiting myself to buying two games a month so I don't go broke. I've already put down a deposit on the LBP2 Collector's Edition so I'm committed to buying that and if I get another game this month I think it will be Dead Space 2. So the earliest I'll be able to get ME will

@iKhaotic: That might have a lot to do with the fact that you were playing MAG and not a twitch shooter. Being successful in MAG requires teamwork and tactical thinking which are like racist teen Kryptonite.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: Demon's Souls, only it has a much better presentation and current gen graphics. Not knocking the Wii. I love my Wii, I just didn't like Fire Emblem. Also, Snake wasn't saying that there were no "hardcore" Wii gamers or that there were no "hardcore" games for the Wii. He was simply stating

@Otis M. Whitaker: I think if a shooter requires teamwork beyond just walking around in a group it cuts the number of racists down greatly. They can't be bothered to think that much and most people would not group with someone that ignorant.

Shouldn't the adventure game options be Yes - PC, No - PC?

@TheAntiHick: I am laughing out loud and wondering if you are mad.

@Setzer IIDX: You can, in theory, enjoy Farmville without paying money but it's most definitely designed to push players toward that option. The experience was not crafted to encourage free play. You get a flat out "better" experience (I use quotes because I do not find the game enjoyable in the least) when you pay.

@Whizkid103: Because he's so good at trolling?

@Altima NEO: Second. It's like saying a guy that goes to the gym five days a week but just does curls the whole time is a body builder.

Minecraft allows you to freely build whatever you choose and doesn't nickel and dime you should you want to build more or build faster.

#17 is extremely well done. Nice job.

This is interesting. I imagine there is an extra substance secreted with the tears when they are an emotional reaction. I'm guessing the men wouldn't behave the same if they were smelling lubricating tears. It'd be hard to harvest enough of those to do an experiment though.

@MasterYong: The science posts aren't related to gaming. It's just a new thing they've been doing every once in a while to mix it up. I enjoy them, they've all been pretty interesting so far.

@RedCarmine: If you click through to the article, there is a picture. Let me save you the time though and answer, not quite.


@Azel: Same here, whenever the video posted is on that player with the green bar it's a damned slide show.

@ortizlgnd4: There is a difference between being completely pre-rendered (FF and SC2), where the cinematics are built from the ground up, and "pre-rendered" like the cinematics in Killzone and Uncharted, where the camera angles are set, the lighting is probably improved, and custom animations are used but they are

@William Henry Harrison: As much criticism as this trailer received, I swear the finished game actually looked better than this.

Wow, someone put effort into an FPS story?