Pat Chan

Sonic demo: "This just doesn't feel right somehow..."

@Makidian: See, I felt the exact opposite way. The graphics were better but this one seemed to still have a lot of the camera/control/targeting issues from the first game. Not to mention the demo level itself wasn't that impressive, I had much more fun with the demo from the first game.

Just played the demo and am severely disappointed, especially after all the talk about how much they improved upon the last game. Graphics seem to be slightly improved but it still seems to have retained many of the control, camera, and targeting issues of the first game. And the demo level wasn't even that fun, I

@Icarus.: Eh, I did too. Lol, but honestly, the main reason was in hopes that this would outsell Black Ops, which was a long shot to begin with. At least I'll be getting two games since the PS3 version comes with that HD remake.

#3 and #14, very clever.

Stupid Fox. The more reasonable absurd question is, "Isn't it racist to give special skills to the black politician?"

@TheFirstBardo: Eh, I'm not really a big fan of metacritic. If you take the three scores I've seen they average out to be about an 84 even though two out of the three were in the 70s. I'll gladly pay full price for an 80s rated game I think I'll like. I've paid full price for a game rated in the 70s maybe once

Profile play times:

@Archaotic: I wouldn't exactly call it hard work. There were already English versions of the game before it came to America. They just did a bit of tweaking and watched the cash roll in. :)

@gundaman: There are also certain items and NPCs that are only accessible during pure white or black world/character tendency.

@FastHandz: Lol, don't know if you want a whole explanation but I want to give one!!! Once you learn that fight you feel like such a bad ass because you take down a huge spider like it's nothing...

I think not including Contra was a missed opportunity.

@bakura: "The last question of the night was about videogames. Del Toro, a dedicated gamer — his children serve as his 'wingmen' when he plays Left 4 Dead — is moving into making games, stating matter-of-factly that they're as legitimate of a medium as film and literature. 'I expect and hope to create what I would

@The Intangible Fancy: I fear the uncertainty rather than the nothingness of dark. If I'm in a dark place and know for certain that there is nothing around me or can know for certain what is around me, I'm fine. But my imagination runs wild when it's dark and I can't know what's hidden in it. The same reason I get

@Bricked: You make that $9.99 and change "toilet" to "bed" and you've got yourself a deal.

@selvaggio: Or a not-so-tech-savvy parent who wants to get their child a PS3 with all the latest features.

@laylowmoe: I also liked Superman Returns enough to buy it on Blu-Ray. I only know one other person in real life that actually liked it. I guess it's because I have a soft spot for Superman and Brian Singer, also he catches a plane.

I always feel the need to defend Superman Returns because I actually liked it. It sufficiently displays Superman's powers (he catches a plane and throws and island ffs), tells a story where Superman faces an emotional conflict as well as a physical one, and has Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.