@Sakilla: If it weren't for the star under your name, I'd be sure this was a viral ad. It sure does read like one.
@Sakilla: If it weren't for the star under your name, I'd be sure this was a viral ad. It sure does read like one.
The Japanese government has a very strange way of interpreting "obscene" if they are swayed by the fact that the penis shaped appendages penetrating a woman are not technically "penises."
@Gameslaya: I feel the same way. Which is a shame because I really want to support developers who try and create original IPs, especially colorful, story driven IPs. Maybe I'll buy it at full price, then return it and then buy it again when it drops, lol.
@Shinta: I thought about loaning her my DS but I'm not sure she'd be into the story or be able to navigate the maps, lol. I'd love to give her the benefit of the doubt but I know her limits. :)
Hey Kotaku, my mother has been having some memory problems lately. Nothing serious but she gets really bummed out about it, naturally because it makes her feel old. I suggested that she play some games or do some puzzles to help keep her mind stimulated. When she asked me what kinds, I was sort of stumped aside…
So does this mean they will be repealing the ban on the game being sold on military bases?
@Shrewsbury: I believe this is actually the Chip you're looking for.
I guess the customization options are okay but there's something I don't like about that controller layout. The d-pad looks like it's in more or less the same position but like it'd be 10x harder to use.
@Kovitlac: I know, I was just kidding about the 'splosion thing.
@Kovitlac: It's just gorgeous and surprisingly moving. I guess the best way to describe a combination of the gameplay of Katamari Damacy and flOw with the color palette of Eternal Sonata/Okami (the two most colorful games I can think of). It's definitely an art game and there isn't much to the mechanics but it's so…
@ARYXANDRE: I agree, anyone that is ready to play that game (i.e. fans of the series) already has or will. Everyone else should start on the PSone and work their way forward...EVERYONE ELSE.
@strideo: I have a weird relationship with horror games, much like horror movies. Fatal Frame II definitely scared me more than any other horror game I've ever played so I guess that makes it my favorite, even though I can't I felt complete joy playing it. It was really terrifying, lol. So to call it my favorite…
@voxie is still waiting for Power Stone XBLA: I thought 2 was the one with twins. I'm not saying 3 didn't have twins but 2 is the only one I've ever played and it definitely did.
YES! I'm not excited to buy this since I already have the game and pretty much all the DLC. I'm excited about the possibility of this bringing a ton of new players into the multiplayer. I love UC2's mulitplayer but I'm kind of tired of playing against the same super highly ranked guys all the time.
@Alex_Mexico: Seriously, I get that some people are into sandbox games but that doesn't mean you can criticize any game that isn't for being "linear." Sometimes I like a well paced, story driven, linear game...actually most of the time.
@zeenit: It's definitely worth it, if you have any interest at all, to play the first one. Mainly to get to know the main characters but also just to see how hard Naughty Dog worked to turn a great game into an amazing one.
@failtroll: I'm sure there will be some sort of compensation given since the cause of them being stuck down there was a failure by the mining company to install a ladder that was supposed to be the exit in the case of a collapse.
@FiveSpeed: Unfortunately, the casual market Kinect is aimed at probably won't think twice about participating in this sort of thing. :(
@Manly McBeeferton: Not even close. Nintendo branches Mario out into other genres (fighters, RPGs, puzzlers, etc.) and at least attempts to polish or add something unique and fun to every new platforming entry. If Kotick was handling Mario he'd have split Super Mario Bros. 3 into eight separate games and Mario…
@Mikekearn has an overly long username: The problem is the protagonist in The Saboteur was Irish so it doesn't really connect to what this guy is saying by having a French resistance fighter being driven by dealing with decades upon decades of aggression from the Germans. Plus, while the gameplay was fun, the story…