Ugh, a shawl sweater with a zipper?
Ugh, a shawl sweater with a zipper?
@00000000: My god, that was the worst part of the game for me. Every time you'd go to aim at an enemy that was perched on a rooftop, they'd magically know and retreat just behind the edge. Raging just thinking about it...
@Christopher Fritschi: Not every war has clearly defined good guys and bad guys. And even in the ones that do, some of the members of the "bad" side are just tragically manipulated/misled people (e.g. Hitler youth). Putting aside the fact that Fernando already stated, which is that you don't actually play a Taliban…
@WrongThinker: Or at least there was...
@Stymie99: I have to go with newtype and say that he was expressing surprise at how well the game sold. And if you follow gaming news or bloggers that's the general feeling. Games with reviews that average don't normally generate the number Force Unleashed did.
@data_enabler: Ugh, another game with an incredible demo that disappointed when it was released.
@Ciraa: Except for the part where it is.
Thank god they included a corridor flight/falling segment. Not enough games have one of those these days...
"What does this Steam do?"
@Batousi: Some of the expectations of companies in the gaming industry really are ridiculous, like pre-ordering.
@KidU: I wish more developers would go with option 1. I really hate trading in games because even if a game has little to no replay value, I like to have a collection and to have the game as sort of a trophy/memento.
@NinjaMarion: *Hearted
@m_earendil: Demon's Souls is definitely an RPG, it just has a lot of western RPG elements (when a lot of people think RPG, they automatically thing JRPG).
@MyNameIsNobody: There are a few series that jump back and forth between PS3/PSP. God of War and Resistance in particular come to mind.
There are things...dripping...from it.
@nantukoprime: I imagine it was relatively easy to kill considering the speed of its descendants. Rather than levers I imagine a bunch of guys hoisting a hefty rock (or rocks) up into the tree tops, waiting for it to walk underneath, and then doing their best to hit it right in the head.
@Killer Toilet: I don't know if you mean actually being there or from a game news standpoint. But after following coverage of both closely I feel like Gamescom was better. E3 had a lot of exciting reveals and announcements but Gamescom gave us a lot more details about the things that we only got a glimpse at from…
@VileMethoD: As do I. And I also hope they can do it without having to cut out half the game.
I'm so happy to hear this.
@Smitty: I happen to love Uncharted 2's multiplayer. It's probably the most pure fun I've ever gotten out of competitive multiplayer and the co-op is a blast too mainly because it can be so challenging.