Pat Chan

My biggest recent let down was Dark Void. I'm usually awed by flight in movies and games (e.g. the original trailer for Rise of the Silver Surfer, never saw the movie) and an amazing jet pack flight game would have been oh-so-sweet. I would have finally gotten to fulfill my childhood Rocketeer fantasy.

@Murderdolls: It's really good and probably the most realistic, albeit still exaggerated for comedic purposes, look at relationships portrayed in a Hollywood movie. Plus, if you're a music snob you'll enjoy all the music snobbery.

@TylDurden: I love Symphony of the Night but I still like Super Castlevania IV better and that is as linear as it gets. So you can't generalize and say that all the best 2D Castlevanias are heavy on exploration.

@SeanPS360: "Matsuyama also talked about the option of cutting the weapons and ammunition of enemies, rendering them defenseless."

@Lerigan: If you use the internal clock trick to beat The End does it still count as killing him?

@Luke Plunkett: Ripley basically strips at the end of Alien and you see Sarah Connors breasts during her sex scene in the first Terminator.

@KiNGMONiR: You could also check out the Metroid Retrospective on It'll give you the complete awesome history in entertaining video form.

@rich8606: I believe Demon's Souls used the Havok engine and it led to some "buggy" moments (e.g. dragging poison swamp jellyfish that's stuck to your ankle halfway across the level) and when characters were killed in Valkyria Chronicles they ragdolled a bit. But yeah, I think you're right because I can't think of

@iatw: One of the great things about Gran Turismo though is that it actually allows you to learn about cars and become better at driving them. If it wasn't for playing the hell out of Gran Turismo 3 when I was fifteen, I would know approximately zero about cars.

@jedimario: You need to spend some time with a Katamari.

@pressstart: I love that elbow so much. As soon as I found out it existed I made Akira my main in Virtua Fighter. There's no more brutal looking move in any fighting game.

@Shinhideaki: I imagine they'll remove some of the Tekken characters that might play/animate similarly to the Street Fighter characters they want to include. For example, they may exclude Bruce so they can bring in Sagat.

@Vanderhuge: The last truly great action movie I can remember is True Lies unless you count Planet Terror, but there have been some decent ones since then. I wasn't crazy about Smokin' Aces but it was rated R. Plus the '08 Rambo was rated R and I don't remember him doing much in that movie besides killing people.

@Obrighm: Meh, I think they should have replaced Old Spice guy with Carl Weathers and created a damn role for Jackie Chan, who has probably worked harder than everyone in that movie combined over the course of his career, but that's just me.

@darkerdrick: What's wrong with that? George Michael was the second funniest character on that show next to Gob. He's cast when people think he'll fit into the role. It's not like people are sticking him in some sci-fi thriller.

@GymMasterAlex: I feel like at the time Mario Bros. came out video game movies didn't have as bad a reputation as they do now. People were probably just like, "YAY! Super Mario movie!" I know I was but then again I was like nine.

@GymMasterAlex: I feel like at the time Mario Bros. came out video game movies didn't have as bad a reputation as they do now. People were probably just like, "YAY! Super Mario movie!" I know I was but then again I was like nine.

The only sensation I feel is that I'm playing God of War on Spartan difficulty and I'm about to get very frustrated.