Pat Chan

@Kuwabara Kazuo: I liked the final boss in Dead Space. It was easy as hell to take down, sure. But it was enormous and pretty awe inspiring.

@Chumley_Marchbanks: What comedians are doing the voices? I thought I recognized that British voice from somewhere.

@EbolaOcho: Well they've explicitly stated they're having Steam support for the PS3 version so if you're going to get in on a console then go with PS3.

Except he still has those ridiculous pants on and now a worse t-shirt. I hope this doesn't end up being the final model for Cole because there are too many elements of old and new trying to be blended together and he just doesn't look right. Or at the very least, I hope there are some customizable clothing options.

@thelotmb: I agree, that's why I'm so big on the Old Republic trailers. True, they're a far cry from the way the game actually looks and plays but they're so awesome that it gets me pumped to play.

I kind of feel bad for 360 owners. The number of A rated exclusives they have keeps dwindling.

@Saturnine: I always thought of Uncharted as the Sony equivalent of Gears.

It's good to see a refocus on co-op in gaming lately.

@Herbal: I believe it's only for the PS3 since it makes sense with the Move controller. I suppose they could port it to work with Kinect but how would you fire? And it's no fun to play a light gun shooter with a standard controller. Dunno about PC.

@Taggart6: Lol, the story doesn't change much during the game. They're trying to get off the ship and Isaac's girlfriend may or may not be alive.

Dammit, does EVERY game have to have a corridor flight segment now?!

Why would you cut away from the onscreen action to show and over-the-shoulder of the people playing? As if that's what we want to see when we're watching a gameplay trailer...

@RoboticSpacePenguin: The co-op in the second one is loads of fun, though it's a little rough with just two people.

@Koztah: I was thinking along the lines of chainsaw hand = Big Daddy drill.

I love that they're calling it Bioshock and going in a new direction while keeping the spirit of the first game intact.

@GenocidalTeddy: Wait, isn't it pigeon holed? Like a pigeon in a hole? Otherwise, the only time it would make sense to say "pigeon hold" would be to say something like, "I don't want to be put in a pigeon hold." And I don't think I've ever heard someone say that.

@ShaggE: Restarreded: That would make for an epic last level. Imagine the city breaking up into multiple dirigibles as a fail-safe, buildings crumbling as they detach from each other and float away. And you having to jump from one to the other with the aid of Elizabeth to square off with the Andrew Ryan/Fontaine of