Pat Chan

@Mr.SithNinja: I love anytime Jackie Chan can land a role that isn't in some terrible, low budget movie like The Medallion or The Tuxedo, but that kung fu movie called Karate Kid thing will always bug the crap out of me.

@Trailnutz: "Well then you can go to hell!!!"

@BoxOfScraps: Those kinds of things are why some people are concerned about how FU2 is going to turn out. It's so close to release and nobody has really seen a playable version of the game yet. Low morale + no hands on = skepticism.

Sometimes when I'm reading about the business side of gaming I have to put on a sweater.

@DaveKap: That's what she said.

Want to know why I didn't get this game? Because I didn't want to shell out extra cash for Wii Motion Plus. Show me another worthy title that uses WMP and maybe I'll pick this up used.

@Batman: You really think they're making the opposing faction in multiplayer the Taliban to increase sales? The press coverage of this has probably cost EA more potential consumers than they even anticipated when making the decision.

Who is this host?! He seems intelligent, level-headed, and reasonable. What's he doing on Fox News???

@Vextoz: Definitely thought it was the funniest and most clever.

@Goldwings: I know why you're pissed, because they're making degrading generalizations about gamers.

@reducks: I don't really care for that Eisenberg guy. The entire time I was watching Zombieland I was thinking how I'd rather be watching Michael Cera in that role. But maybe if Eisenberg had been in Arrested Development instead I'd feel differently.

In the world I warp to, you're riding Yoshi through the damp Forest of Illusion around the ruins of Castle 5. You'll wear blue overalls that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist thick Piranha plant vines that attach to golden bricks. And when you look down you'll see tiny figures pounding

@TheBrownDork: Project Toadstool? I think that has a nice ring.

@ggodo: These comments totally fit the bill.

@Altima NEO: It could be a Professor Layton style puzzler where you might solve a mystery or you could be playing with a Braid-type mechanic and rewrite history.

@FoolsGold: I love the multiplayer in Uncharted. I've logged more hours into that game's multiplayer mode than I have any other multiplayer game discounting WoW.

@enjoybobudo: I can't tell if you're knocking the games or not. I like that they try to set their games in unique settings. And I like the fun and flexibility of the plasmid system, as well as the story and atmosphere.

At first I thought the idea of a "sky Rapture" sounded cheap and a little cheesy. But after reading this article I'm excited about some of the story concepts and gameplay ideas they have going.

I like that how after burying the body Mario gives up on saving the Princess...but continues to pursue plumbing work.

At 0:45 I totally expected "...and the Boys!" to follow.