Pat Chan

@puffa469: Did you not catch Sony dropping the release date at E3? It's scheduled for a November release.

@superberg: I'm very curious to hear which is which in your Ford and Toyota analogy.

Now playing

It's good to see some decent electronic artists on the list.

Mike, that frustration wasn't being caused by the pauses, it was actually being caused by the fact that you were watching Grey's Anatomy. The pauses just allowed you to notice THAT you were frustrated.

@TheMindBrain: Yes, turning off detective mode during fights was a must. Though some of the limb breaking takedowns look quite cool in detective mode. :)

@Kenofthedead: Eh, but you have to use it during the segments where you're tracking people.

Don't feel bad Mr. Hego. I loved the art design and only used detective mode when I first entered a room to assess the situation or when I was trying to track an enemy through walls. Otherwise, I had it off so I could enjoy the stellar visuals!

@Badassiousness: A free roaming Batman game would be amazing but part of the reason AA's story and pacing was so good was the linearity. If you open up the world you get moments like:

@josephmeraz: The cool thing about AA was that even though the objectives were linear, the asylum grounds were very open so you go the best of both worlds. Strong story and perfect pacing plus large, cool looking environments. And they had just enough diversionary stuff to encourage exploration without making it

@bUCKEYEs75, Masked Defender of the Gamecube: I don't know about the Buckeyes. I'm an Ohio State alum and a resident of Columbus and I think the fans are pretty loyal. True, there are a ton of people who have no idea what football even is and just use gameday as an excuse to drink (i.e. freshman girls). But for

@Koztah: Pfft, Canada shmanada. :)

Lol, when I was little my friends and I once tried to play Final Fantasy outside, complete with turn based battles.

The Philosophical Breakdown of LeBron's Move :)

@MrGOH: Lol, I didn't know people worried about being wrong on the internet. :)

@pandafresh: I'm very, very excited about Brink. It doesn't look like it's doing anything spectacular, I just think it's going to be a lot of fun.

@MrGOH: With the PS3 market being as big as it is right now, it'd be a gamble for companies to take a cut of the Xbox Live profits over potential PS3 sales of games.

I'm a PS3 owner but that's ridiculous. It would be completely unfair for Microsoft to have to pay money back to Activision because they have a pay to play system set up and Sony does not.

@Brodka: regrettably: He wasn't arguing against the dancing in the game. He was saying that the style of dancing this game seems to feature makes it limited to a certain style of music and that a person's enjoyment of the game is going to boil down to whether or not they like that style of music.