
Probably not with a 20 year criminal record and if he did serve I promise you he failed out of basic. He looks like another one of those I would have knocked a drill sgt out if he got in my face wannabe little bitches. 

Oh look.......another ignorant comment.

He’s driving a Tesla therefore he suckles at the teet oh lord Musk lol.  

Another argument for concealed carry (with mandatory training of course).

Looks like an old cop car, not an active one.

Woah, that Altima has a real license plate on it? I guess they do exist. 

Would emergency breaking that’s standard on those vehicles have activated?

I would say calling it a car free “community” might be pushing it a little. The entire thing is, or appears to be from google earth, a 1200 foot x 600 foot city block. I don’t think I would call that a “community” that would be like calling an apartment complex a community.

I have to wonder if the genesis was as simple as “let’s not pay a Shelby licensing fee this time and see how it goes.


Holy cherrypicking!

In some cases absolutely, but in this case? No, we didn’t litter our countryside with strontium generators. That’s something we have over the USSR for sure.

If we can’t trust people to maintain their cars to a standard level of safety, I can’t wait to see what would happen if they had those.

I think the real pity (not that that situation isn’t terrible) is that you have people here proclaiming that type of energy is better than renewables and wanting to relax regulations to make it easier to build them faster. 

Eh, it’s more like: Weird woman has other weird people on podcast. She was on healing crystals and other goofy shit well before she had a podcast about it.

Oh dang, she crashed?!  No one has ever crashed a cup car before.

“Love: It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru”

People are only “forced” to get a hybrid if they want something off-the-lot. They are free to place a special order and wait for a different model (which is basically how it has been for the past 3 years anyway).

Steam is the name of the dog you silly goose