
Honestly, I couldn’t care less. TikTok is home to that objectively toxic Libs of TikTok lady (it took all of the restraint I had not to say something meaner) and quite possibly the worst aviation and automotive “expertise” you’ll find on the internet.

The law of supply and demand. They did make small cars. They weren’t profitable because:

That is the way that business works.  when something is no longer profitable, it is abandoned.  

I am struggling more than a little with the cognitive dissonance of this article, but more the theme.

The article mentions nothing about the amount of profit the California franchises make (as a percentage or otherwise). So the article doesn’t address the point at all.

This is an extraordinarily stupid statement on multiple levels.

This, their actual net income, meaning how much the company made after expenses was $1.325B in 2022 at least from the number I saw, and what Pizza Hut corporate made does not mean the franchise owners made that kind of money.

Revenue != Profit

I beg to differ on the sound aspect. The whine of forced induction is a symphony. 

Jalopnik journalists have the collective age that’s less than enough for them to acquire an AARP membership, they’re all freshly out of college with the new age college rhetoric of everyone is okay until they do one thing I don’t like, and are now the worst person since Hitler. Jalopnik USED to be a proper car site,

Is there a problem?

Not to victim blame, but I’d love to know what percent of the deaths increased because of people having absolutely no idea how to exist on the road with semis and/or good old distracted driving. I see people blindly pull in front of semis all the time, assuming a 30 ton semi can stop in the same amount of time as a

It’s nice to cite trucks as the reason for the increase but I have to believe the increase of idiots in cars is as much of a contributing factor as the trucks themselves are.

Yep. I hate Tesla as much as the next guy, but ragging on a company for their test mules breaking down is dumb as fuck. Now, if we find out that production vehicles break down the same way their test mules did, then yeah, let’s crucify those bastards.

It has air suspension. If you’re just driving on regular roads it makes sense to keep it in the lowest setting for aerodynamics/range. 

I agree that the US justice system leaves non-billionaires quite vulnerable (anti SLAPP laws aren’t federal, if I understood John Oliver correctly). But Denton wasn’t exactly a model citizen, right? He went out of his way to sow lots and lots of bombs that Thiel just had to water a bit in order to blow in his (Denton)

My first two thoughts were:

7 lanes total, not 7 lanes per side right?

I know it’s uncool to like big, fancy yachts, but as far as those things go, this thing is actually pretty neat. It has a very unique look as a result of it’s original design. I also think as far as giant yachts go, that’s the sweet spot as far as size goes before it becomes completely ridiculous and ostentatious (yes

“Journalists” (or whatever the folks at Jez/Giz/AV Club should be called) really need to stop mining Twitter/X for takes. It’s right wing shitheads all the way down.