
Hi, wealth manager here. Dodging income tax, like making sure to not take a “free” car that they’d have to pay income tax for the value on?  Like that kind of dodging income taxes?

I need a CPA’s ruling on this, as it is my understanding that:

Yeah, I assure you: in the event of the Rapture, no one will go missing on Capital Hill.

Do you have any idea how bad something has to be to have Nancy Pelosi and Mike Johnson to agree on something?


HI! 7th generation Texan here, got our land from an empresario in San Augustine, 1828. Ancestors fought in the Grass Fight and the Seige of Bexar, with a Texas Historical marker at their gravesites.

So you would like people that don’t want to be here to be here, so that they’re not happy? How magnanimous of you.

And we, the Texans, thank you for your stance. 

BC Jalopnik has a hard on for anything anti-Elon Musk and will re-publish 4 month old posts to keep it up, even if it’s not car-related.

Me, a grown adult who understands that words have meanings, is telling you, a person who is none of those things, that

Fun fact: that’s not what a “strawman” argument is. But I’m sure you THINK it is, definitions be damned, so that’s all the proof you need (again, you’re a child for thinking that).

“Preproduction vehicles”…”built to test out manufacturing and design process[es] for all sorts of issues” ARE CALLED “TEST MULES”.  They are meant to be driven and flogged and to see what breaks/what holds solid. 

It’s like building a test mule with an ICE where the fuel line breaks. Which happens.

“Strawman”?! STFU with that nonsense. You used the word “incompetence” like they just put fuel tanks behind the passenger seats. Literally, these are TEST mule vehicles, thrown out into the world to shake down, break, and learn.

A test mule that breaks is “incompetence”?  God damn, you don’t know shit about the process to get cars from design to sales floors, do you?

I’ve been in Ford test mules with turbochargers sitting in the backseat for if/when the ones on the engine go out. You know why?

First of all, the truth that they wrote about Peter Thiel wasn’t their truth to tell. It was a dickhead move to out a gay man to the world who had chosen to stay closeted.

It’s a test mule. It’s supposed to break down. In fact, they WANT them to break down so they see what’s wrong with it and correct future Cybertrucks.

Billionaires like Musk [read as: tech billionaires] are notorious for keeping a very tight lip about who they like.  But you find out who they don’t like pretty easily. 

Gawker wrote truths about Thiel.