
So you’re saying you DON’T know about Peter Thiel?

To be fair, thats the exact type of motherfucker who would casually mess with the livelihoods of auto journalists who decided that making fun of him relentlessly was their lives’ mission. 

Were you here when Denton ran shit? I was.

Steve, I know you haven’t been with this publication for years and years, but there was this guy named Nick Denton, and he relentlessly went after a billionaire, and…

Cities need to make their urban cores into one big Greenscape. No more big ugly asphalt roads with those jaywalker-killing, four wheeled death machines driving down them. Just nice, manicured lawns where people can walk, bike, and have lovely picnics on. Just not in the suburbs, bc no thanks

I see the problem right here: people are taking Twitter/X/whatever they’re calling it this week seriously.  Half the weird comments are bots, and the other half should not be dignified with any kind of acknowledgement. 

It’s a 3 block by 2 block apartment complex with retail space. Cool.

“Sounds great, Marvin! Accounting always has AMAZING ideas! Now, let’s figure out some talking points to make it sound like we’re marketing this car to a demographic who largely won’t be able to afford it, and how we should be applauded for our efforts.”

I won’t buy one, but I look forward to the re-emergence of aftermarket-altered minitrucks.  It’ll be a fun scene.

That’s a V8-powered Ute, which is different than what we’re taking/complaining about rn. But I shall stand with you if anyone denigrates that Australian awesomeness. 

Why not both?  We had to start somewhere.

I happen to live in one of those perfectly-described suburbs, and I’m LITERALLY the only Texas-born adult on my block. We’re full, I hear Nashville is god damned delightful this time of year. 

We tried pitching that idea for one of our state lines and people got all pissy about it.  

Had to replace my battery today, but admittedly, it should’ve been replaced a few months ago.

Agree. Spread the word. Maybe people will stop moving here.

Man, I had to stop what I was doing to laugh at your response to me and send you a message. You couldn’t be further from the truth, but HOT DAMN was it funny! And yes, I’d absolutely say all this to your face, since I haven’t said anything that would provoke a physical confrontation, but HEY! I guess we all have our

You’re up in arms about a podcast that you’ve never listened to, probably didn’t know existed before this article, that interviews random idiots who you’ve never heard of, so other idiots (TENS of them!) can listen to the interviews?

That’s really sweet that you think all of that. My education in politics is formal, considering I was a political science major for a good time before I switched to business. My experience is also hands-on, as I worked in my state’s Senate after college. So, both political and economics education and experience.

What kind of liberal arts student regurgitation is this? Honestly, what a horrible application of whataboutism this is; someone can’t point out the horrors left by an extinct communist regime without young/naive people screaming, “…bUt CaPiTaLiSm Is BaD tOo!”. Capitalism is an economy, communism is a form of

It’s almost like you want to point out issues with a capitalism economy and draw direct correlation to the issues of communism. And when I say “almost”, I mean “exactly”. Which is disingenuous at best, and an outright lie at worst.