
While I don’t really agree with the message. You get my star anyway for Knight Rider.

Fuck Sonic, IT’S SLOTH!

Probably unfair to compare but I get such a vibe of The Martian meets Metroid.

Man i love a good trailer!

The sex may have been technically consensual, but man, those boys all need some heavy counseling and real talk about what the fuck they are doing/have done to a young girl who appears to be pretty emotionally damaged. I don’t know that criminal charges are appropriate (as some commenters seem to think), but I would

My shoes are ready.

Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Your crew awaits.

Artist depiction of ancient Mars based on these new revelations.

Or, more simply, it doesn’t look very funny and mediocre reboots are becoming exhausting.

I’m the creator of the level. Can’t wait to see you play it, Patrick! :)

What could have caused the worldwide depressurization?

Now this is cardboard art.

Oh no. Not this shit again. The other day, yesterday I think, you (well someone at Gizmodo at least) posted a video about a model airplane or something like that and I ended up watching YouTube videos for 6 hours.

It didn’t crash. You see, we model Sa-2-guideline missiles, too.