
He wrote Star Trek Nemesis. I hate him.

I always thought he was the sketchiest one of Ocean’s 11.

Wait...Peter Parker has money??? I’m so used to this instead.

I wasn’t going to see it but now that you’ve said the Snoopy’s family is in it, I’m sold.

I didn’t read the beginning of the headline and I thought the rest said “shoots scat into space”.

What’s your opinion on Bath and Body Works? That place is a smell-pocalypse. I legit feel queasy when I walk past it.

Flavour. I love Jasmine, as long as it’s the real scent. Like you, I know a lot of people who can’t eat floral scented food, but I don’t have that problem!

Jasmine Green Tea gelato was the best thing I’d ever tasted, and then the damn place closed down.

We need a name for the people who think paying a tip on a free entree is a ~shitton extra~. Other than ”cheap dude who can’t do math”.


Maybe it’s Pistachio Mint Green Tea Avocado Pea Chocolate Chip.

Your friend is the actual devil, no?

ikr? devil himself evicts his worst tenants, makes me imagine the opposite of this.

BCO! Monday! Fun stories!

Atom Egoyan was always super nice when he came to my cineplex, but he always tried using a credit card that just would not go through, EVERY time. I never gave a shit, just tried running it through a few times, and then he’d give me a nearly identical card and it’d work. I finally asked for his autograph after like a

PINNNNKHAM! Surprise BCO is the best BCO.

The tugboats look really cute as they move.

The picture of her at the valleynewslive page, I expected more meth-face.

Well that was Cromartie 1.0 Owain Yeoman who also does bad guy and hilarious but not as good as Garret.