
My bff had the drop sized version of that dutch licorice in a pretty tulle bag as a wedding favor. Everyone left those deceptive bags of evil on the tables. She’s not even dutch.

This looks like Han’s head, his shoulder is on the left. :(((

I think Rey and Kylo are siblings, not twins. Luke trained Kylo to a point, telling him about Anakin and he got obsessed and did some bad shit, Luke went into hiding. Rey was born after this, so Han and Leia did some desert child abandonment (again), and Han’s been watching out for his kid.


I’ve actually had a couple request two tables so they could each sit alone, shout across the aisle to each other as they ate, and both use a coupon.

RIGHT?! Especially when you’re being watched or someone’s doing some secret shopping on your ass. Ugh.

I wish that prices included taxes here in Canada. Some people can’t math. There was a jerk chicken place in the food court in the Eaton Centre a long time ago, and they had prices with taxes included, but they had to change it.

Like jury duty, everyone should be called up a few times in their lives.

Other than me screaming at her, a large usher coming to my rescue, and a manager threatening to call security and then throwing her out, no.

Not that color.

Sometimes you just can’t take it anymore. I HAD a high tolerance for jackasses back in the day, I was just good at not caring and used to it I guess, but once at Cineplex some dude just behaved like such an asshole toward me, I just broke and went to the back and cried and kicked the fuck out of Coke syrup boxes. My

Also, re peanut lady - sometimes you’ve done all you can to warn them and if they still insist, you let them die.

Ah, but sometimes assholes beget assholes, especially when they are rich and privileged and no one within a mile of their privileged rich selves have ever been on the receiving end of such behaviour.


The old immigrant/new immigrant thing OMG, how many ridings have first-gen immigrants running as Conservatives. I want to yell HARPER HATES YOU WHY ARE YOU HELPING THAT CHILDREN OF THE CORN ASSWIPE at them.

I just like excuses to drink, really.

Those people who complained will crap themselves if they visit Canada, we got rid of the penny.

Oh god I had so many milk burns from idiots who wanted HOT HOT HOT milk. Disgusting.

Same. I’ve always been clean and neat when I eat out (combination of fear of getting the beats from my mom growing up and just being a compulsive cleaner-upper), and I know here in Ontario the server wage is almost 10 bucks an hour but it’s still lower than minimum wage so I tip at least 20% and make sure if I am with