
Somewhere, in a dark corner of the White House, as the ref blows that whistle, Steve Bannon smiles...or does whatever his version of smiling is.

“Technical foul for doing something I don’t understand and will never be capable of doing.” - Wonder Bread Ref

However you didn’t mind getting a 4 year free ride at UVA, founded by a slave owner.

“Small-time bookies?!?!?! Finally! They’re the perfect size for my tiny hands! Look, Eric, I’m READING A BOOK.”

As a Brit I was always enjoy being reminded that, while guns are completely legal in the USA, betting on the outcome of sporting events is not.

Bookies had a bad season? What should be my wager on a nice game of Hide and go Fuck Yourself?

More so than you understand jokes.

I know. It’s still funny to me, though. I’m not actually on the journalism ethics committee.

This, jesus. The BR tweet DID cite the quote. It cited Brady, the guy who said the quote.

You go all the way to Montana to suck a guy off, you want credit for your work.

On the bright side, all the folks who accused her of treason might finally learn what treason actually means now that it’s convenient.

She wasn’t even accused of what he was convicted of doing.

one can hope this is the start of something

According to CDC, half of Americans are blimps.

Planes don’t park in the sky. They tend to fall that way.