
This qualifies as a news story? This really is the greatest witch hunt in American hiscoco.

Y’all were worried about Trump tweeting out the nuclear launch codes? Well guess what motherfuckers!

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big idiot’s beef

Then they receive in the 2nd half, I believe.


Well that’s because you’ve never seen me.

Because there is a vast difference between insulting a woman and flirting with a women using banter. Negging falls in the spectrum between these two and can be executed to great effect, as well as playfully bonding with your date/conversational partner/whatever.

I mean, she’s 23, but she was a teen at one point in her life. So you aren’t completely wrong.

*puts down grilled cheese*

Some guys throw out little insults as ways of flirting. Is it condescending? Yup. Is it sexist? Sure is. Childish? Of course.

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

I’m not sure what everyone wanted him to do in this situation. He’s not allowed to use his hands.

there is a lot of blame to go around for 45, i don’t think we have to pin it all to one specific place.

Fucking preach. Iran had 70% turnout, for fuck’s sake. What is our excuse?! We are the Democratic Republic. Yet, we have shit for turnout. Disgraceful.

I would counter that with blaming the 39% of voters who did not vote.

Lawsuits and investigations... legit or otherwise. The GOP would waste billions on witch hunts. Not that she doesn’t have skeletons in her closet aplenty, but they proved with Benghazi they were not going to let her have a second of peace.

This is trickle-down economics at its finest.