
It’s funny that you think a bunch of pampered Americans, most of whom probably can’t run more than 100 yards without nearly having a heart attacking attack, are anywhere near as capable of fighting an insurgency as the populace of 1960’s Vietnam or present day Afghanistan.

“Do you know what else is junk science? The idea that somehow birth is some magical experience that transforms a lump of cells that do not constitute a human being to a human being with rights.”

If you offer prayers for these victims but are unwilling to consider any meaningful changes to how America regulates guns, you are a POS. Hiding behind Jesus to avoid honestly confronting the ways you harm your fellow humans makes you a hypocrite and a bigger POS.

How do you suppose we address costs at their source? Just tell hospital and big pharma to charge less? Why do you think they charge so much? Government intervention, distorting costs is the big reason why costs have exploded.

My god, this comment encapsulates my gaming experience at age 39.

I got two things from this review. One, this game seems pretty amazing sauce. Two, I also get that it isn’t for me. I adore, love AND cherish RPGs of all flavors and I’ve been playing them since days of yore. However, I find that due to time constraints I have to pause games for days or even a week or two when things

He pulled a Skip Bayless

In other words, the Supreme Court can no longer be trusted.

So every person in America with employer-based insurance (many of whom like it) will be forceably removed from it and moved to a government insurance plan. Exactly how well does that idea poll? Obama took a load of heat over “If you like your plan, you can keep it” not applying to obviously junk non-insurance, but now

Ugh. Typical glory boy. You play for the name on the FRONT of your jersey!

He’s clearly in the pocket of Big Penguin.

“Mr Pruitt, the ice caps are melting at a rate where most of the Arctic animal population could be extinct in the next 25 years”

If you see this on a tweet, it’s a dead giveaway:

I stopped playing Animal Crossing New Leaf when Smash Bros was released on 3Ds. I haven’t checked since, I fear I’ll get back to a city in fire/ruins.

Man that slip was so Freudian it went on to create a school of psychology