
What the fuck are you on about, exactly? I never said anyone made her do anything...never even said she was coerced. I wasn’t blaming the guy. I never said it wasn’t her own damn fault. All I said was this is something that happens a varying degrees. And not a lot of people admit it. And it would be

Here’s my two cents: I’ve lost someone in my immediate family to suicide. It happened nearly years ago. I still can’t stand ‘jokes’ about it on tv/movies, and I hate being caught unaware by it in tv/movies, especially if it’s one advertised as a non-drama (I’m looking at you, The Artist). I pretty much always have to

I was a big Hillary supporter but “I’m with her” was a pretty terrible slogan. “She’s with us” (or U.S.) seems a pretty easy fix.

LARP just got sexy.

Yeah, because that’s what this article is about.

Yeah, nobody can do Aussie accents, but tbh from Jennifer Saunders I'll allow it. Love that woman. 

I am so excited for this as someone who both loooves romcoms and thinks they’re stupid. Tom and Lorenzo had some posts while they were filming and the costumes look amazing.

Have you ever heard the legend of.......... Crystal Metheny?

I’ve got a feeling that this guy isn’t going to call or text her, and will fail to reply back to any voicemails or texts she leaves for him.

It seems super unfair to compare white savior missions to a WOC artist paying tribute to fellow WOC artists. There’s also only so many ways you can make your own Halloween costume about someone else, and most people who dress up as real people don’t even bother. This seems like a pretty sincere tribute to me. Right

SJO is turning into a cranky old lady. Yah I said it. Come at me. Lady, you are loaded, spoiled, & have healthy kids.  Be grateful not a beeotch 

I didn’t know she did this annually!  This is what grace looks like: when you are confident enough to put the shine on other people.

Yeah, the author says she's not a food scientist, so she trusts the manufacturers, who are (surprisingly?) also not food scientists. All this stuff is made up. Best by dates are fake too. Might've been interesting and useful if someone actually did speak to a food scientist. 

Absolutely true, but commercial cooking and home cooking is apples and oranges. 40+ degrees for 4+ hours just means the conditions are right for bacterial growth, it doesn’t mean that you will get unsafe bacterial growth, or that it would be enough to make you sick.

Holy shit, I’m shocked at the lack of empathy, and the readiness to convict someone without any evidence in these comments.

The clarinet solo, um well, I gotta warn ya, gets a little blue. 

“Behave yourself,” says the dad, coldly. “Things have changed. Deena and I, after long consideration, decided to separate.”

they don't generally brut it about, but most 'Stralians have a 'roo scrotum-bottle opener, usually next to the Sydney funnel web spider on a leash.
