
An equivalent approach in California would be to prohibit access to Starbucks, Lululemon, wine and golf.

I agreed with Howard on gun control. I figure I can cope with agreeing with one coalition policy every ten to fifteen years.

I still think Abbott is a raw-onion-eating rapist bag of shit, but this is a good policy.

This. Being poor in Australia is still not the same as being poor in the US, despite Abbott and his ilk trying to make it so. There are serious and terrible barriers to health care in some parts of the country (usually rural and regional areas, and Indigenous communities) but if you live in the city and you can afford

I’m reading the “On no, the Poors” and can see most of the commenters are looking at this from a US myopic funnel. It is not welfare. It is government rebates from our tax system that go to anyone who uses childcare or who has children. You can be on $100,000 a year and still get tax rebates for having children.

As an Australia, I’m all for this - most of the people who do not vaccinate are well off enough that this is not a punishment for the poor/working poor. Everyone has access to vaccinations, this will not mean that poor families cannot afford food for their kids simply because they cannot afford to vaccinate. It’s not

Just to be clear, the payments that will stop are not normal (needed for survival) welfare payments. They are Childcare rebates and the Family Tax benefit A annual supplement. There are exemptions for strict religious reasons and genuine medical reasons.

This can benefit a lot of kids who might potentially contract one of those horrid diseases we vaccinate against. I’m all for this policy, and hope that it protects the kids as well as their parents. ;v;

I have been a nanny for 12 years. I have nine nieces and nephews. If you’re around a baby for ten minutes and the grossest thing that ends up in your mouth is a binky, it’s a good day.

My mom is a travel agent, so when my sister wanted to book a cruise for her honeymoon, she got our mom to book it so they could get the best deal possible during spring break (money was tight as my sister was going back to school).

Don't try to top from the bottom, Dax. Just enjoy the ride. That's why the FSM gave us 280lb studs in the first place.

A ban I fully endorse, as someone who has never (and will never) attended Coachella. I'm just really, really anti-selfie stick. Put a petition in front of me right now, calling for them to be banned from this plane of existence, and I will sign with a flourish. Those goddamn sticks are the bane of every tourist

I have had customers bitch at me about the weather. I always apologize profusely for it, making it sound very ridiculous that I am taking responsibility. "I am so sorry it's raining so hard. I'll be sure to be more careful about the timing for you next time."

"No, ma'am, actually the sun is going to remain in its place as it has for millions of years. The Earth, however, will continue spinning and proceeding on its orbit as planned; would you like me to ask a manager to pull the emergency brake?"

Oh dear god... let's just get it ALL right out into the open, shall we...

Why stop at placenta though? Why not eat your period blood, clots and all? Definitely boogers. Smegma is made of healthy lypids that could help regulate your digestion (definitely the bacterial flora on a penis must help with something!) The pasty white cheesy thing that comes out of toenails. Earwax.

No, no, no. Animals eat the placenta to cover the smell of blood associated with birth. Not for any other reason. Ruminids like deer can't even digest it properly to gain any sort of nutrition from it, for strength or whatever people claim. Safe to assume that most women aren't being actively hunted. The placenta is a

Let's just get Peter Jackson and Elisabeth Moss' character from Top of the Lake in on this and every famous person from New Zealand will be involved.

Oh, they're not destroying everything - far from it. They're selling anything they can put on a truck on the antiquities black market, like the fucked-up mobsters they really are.