

So this is pretty much an Independent Presidency now?

Wilson at least was competent until his stroke and had a wife who actually gave a fuck. Trump has been incompetent from the moment he threw his toupee in the ring.

Nvm 2headedweinerdog beat me to it

I would def read John Kelly’s parenting blog of the special challenges that come with raising a 71 year old baby who conveniently has access to the nuclear codes.

Putin on the Ritz?

Like Trump would ever study in the evening. There’s chocolate cake and ice cream to eat! And TeeVee. Lots and lots of TV.

From Pew Research:

I dunno, these memos are pretty complex:

This is simultaneously the toughest and easiest job ever.

I’m desperately trying to keep my cat from cooking our family dinner every night.

It’s like a new governess hired to manage a particularly unruly child, and using every trick in her bag to make him behave.

Mission accomplished!

Thank god our country is really run by a Deep State comprised of oligarchs and warmongers. Can you imagine if Trump was actually steering the ship of state instead of in the backseat mashing buttons on his phone and making motor noises?

A six year old?

A six year old?

Let’s play Guess Who Said the Stupid Thing! “I’m someone who believes in more monuments, not less monuments.”

Those three spoke wheels have ALWAYS triggered me.

Jeep. Wrangler.

Like? $200 in AMG beats $200 in coke, weed, whisky and hookers.