Change approved! They're the same now.
Change approved! They're the same now.
This episode's might be my favorite. 2nd would be her promptly-discarded meshes-of-the-afternoon outfit at the very beginning of sky witch.
The correct Greek plural would be ὀκτώποδες tho???
I feel like there has to be some old rhetorical term of art for this. "Flat" and "circle", despite apparently being a noun and its adjective, have no real connection to each other and modify "time" separately.
Wait, doesn't that mean that you're throwing up right now?
Those are precisely the two scenes that most set me on edge, too. It's the living-corpse, body-horror aspect of it.
Hannibal should have pointedly served Will the knuckles when he brought out the pig.
Yeah, you really have to lean on the "Hannibal's the devil" idea to imagine him being able to cause this particular chain of events.
"Damn fool tried to ride off into the sunset."
Not the tall tree, the tree at the center of Bubblegum's castle with white leaves. That one's dead as Gondor's.
PB's castle is visible in the middle of the city while Lemonhope's passing through. The tree on top is dead. :/
Oh man, I didn't notice that part. I hope she stuck it on the butt of a jellyhorse when she was done, and it's off riding through the wilds with Davey now.
Darryl Jr is…her grandson.
My only disappointment is that Ellie never discovered Laurie's musical aversion. She really could have OD'd then.
It looked like the treehouse had grown up into the clouds. Maybe they're all still living up on [add "Yggdrasil / Adventure Time" funny mash up name here].
House Call was probably in my top five episodes, though admittedly I only finally got around to stirring this show into a pudding cup a couple weeks ago.
Oh man, it has to be.
That one Cool Kid looked like Big D, too, making this show-discussion-nesting seem appropriate.
Writing out a lengthy "Begs The Question" column about it, no doubt.
That was my reaction when I found out that this was the two-parter, but I think it was fantastic nonetheless. I'd prefer an over-stuffed 11 minutes to a padded-out 22, but I think that both the overstuffedness of Betty and the fineness of this episode make a good case for AT doing more thirty-minute stuff.