I think Lemonhope flat-out said he'd probably be gone a thousand years?
I think Lemonhope flat-out said he'd probably be gone a thousand years?
If you wanna read politics into it, I kinda got a "negative liberty isn't enough, either socially or morally" vibe from the first half.
I'll get the blu ray, but I wanna see how many layers of whoever's head it is that they come up to make the DVDs work.
We are the jaw-breakers and the gob-stoppers, and soon we shall discuss the amputation of your head.
That was PB as Phlannel though, right? He used German and expressed his limitation by the same treaties that PB talked about using Ooo-science talk.
but damn my DVR's inability to tell which episodes are new. It's only CN's stuff it has a problem with.
Poor befuddled NSA peons. Do they forward that to congress, the president…?
Use one of the "tame wildlife" mods that make it so only sick or blighted animals are automatically hostile. It's like night and day. Suddenly being on Azura's coast and seeing cliff racers darting between islands is a pleasant experience.
Cyrodiil = Middle Earth; Skyrim = Westeros. Given current trends, the next non-moo entry will have the PC wake up in prison in a grim, futuristic dystopia and discover they're the Chosen Teen.
I'd love to spend some time in Ald'Ruhn-under-Skar.
Well, she said "removed for tour season".
Dammit, the fire. I would have loved to see how the show handled the fire.
I don't know why, but Lana cutting him off right before he screamed had me rolling. In a subdued way.
I love that, however many hundreds of years it's been, Bubblegum's still quick to fall back into the anarchic wasteland mindset, never far from a cache of cyanide in case the marauders ever break through the perimeter.
I wasn't truly excited until my tv informed me that SPOILERZ "Alana and Will's relationship sees some difficulties." So, pretty pumped now.
Wait, a fromage to what?
A sentence doubtless on the lips of many a frustrated would-be masturbator looking through search results of wildly varying relevance.
and grade them, for reals.