Party Walrus

... Did you shoot the deputy?

Can’t imagine why she’d switch them.

If you want to rally professionally, here are the correct steps.

This is going to be too far down to get attention but I have to speak my piece.

Ah, a measured take from an intellectual. /s

I bought an E46 years ago and ran into this problem. Sometime in the 90's BMW switched to hex bolts and go figure, I didn’t have any adapters for them. 

My personal mechanic is a lazy fuck.

I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).

Lots of car names became famous to normies for

It just takes one image, and the knowledge that it starts at under $60k to answer this question:

I really want to meet the designer that decided Alcantara means performance so I can kick him in the dick.

Mitsubishi has had so many corporate scandals (not issuing recalls for serious defects, fuel economy cheating, etc.) it’s a surprise they can afford to build anything. Their reputation in their home market has been in the toilet for two decades. In Japan, reputation is a serious thing.

This particular scam is everywhere in New Orleans. I’ve been told the correct answer is “I don’t know where I got them, but I know where they are gonna be.”


Screw that Mario Achi guy, THIS GUY should have been on the podium

Libertarianism is a right wing philosophy. Thinking pot should be legal and gay people should be able to marry does not make you “liberal on some issues”.

I’m independent politically

Unrelated to this story, but this is my last post on Jalopnik for the time being and I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I’ve absolutely loved my time here and I’ll miss my coworkers and the commenting community a lot. I’m sure you’ll eventually see me here again at some point, but stay tuned to Road & Track where

Horse Horse?


Everyone should play this game right now. It’s like the show Firefly and Fallout New Vegas had a baby, and it’s got some great bits reminiscent of Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Borderlands in the best ways.