SJ was an extra in the cantina when Rick is filming Lancer
SJ was an extra in the cantina when Rick is filming Lancer
Truly the only rational point here.
Get David Tracy in here
easy COTD
“Touch the cars” makes sense for BB when you see his take about not washing his car. Horrifying.
“I think Ericsson hit us”
rarest of them all you say?
Can someone explain to me why the valve cover vent hose connects to the top of the airbox? Wouldn’t that draw oil onto the filter and cause it to foul up more quickly? Seems like a poor design decision, but I’m interested if there are reasons.
lol true
Nothing like consequential time limits to get a project moving. I had to do a head gasket swap on my E30 and finish it before it was towed out of my apartment garage, which was being powerwashed. Several 3am nights were spent wrapping up that project, but I did it.
Why the year? 1989 is generally considered a good, if not the best year for non-M3 E30s, because it had the more advanced Motronic fuel injection, but didn’t have an airbag which made modifying easier.
Just to note, the Thrustmaster T300 link doesn’t put you straight through to the $200 deal; you need to find it under other offers. Anyway, thank you! I’ve been waiting for this deal for a long time.
Just to note, the Thrustmaster T300 link doesn’t put you straight through to the $200 deal; you need to find it…
No pop-up headlights? CP.
Agreed on all that; it’s also just important for bikes to have lights in the first place. I know it would be a logistical nightmare, but there should be some sort of punitive measure for cyclists that ride at night without lights. $20 ticket vs. thousands of dollars in medical bills if you get into (/cause) a crash?…
eh, at least they aren’t covered in obnoxious matte plastic
I just had a stroke trying to pronounce “Chevroyota-Nissundai”.
driftbois would kill for that kind of steering angle
My buyer’s remorse immediately rose up, because I just bought a Civic Coupe Sport. But then I saw this post and my fears were set at ease. That Honda 6-speed is such an excellent gearbox.