American here, I pronounce it Zee Eff, the Zee as in “Zee Germans”
American here, I pronounce it Zee Eff, the Zee as in “Zee Germans”
All hail the AWD vans
You forgot to swap out that winter air for summer air! That will be $50.
please COTD
really hope they release a version without the “thrilling” music. Just give me the motor whirr and the tire whine and I’m good.
take your damn star
That Renault Espace video brought me so much joy today. Thank you.
I have an E30 with the original 14" bottlecap wheels which are almost impossible to shop for nowadays. The best bang for my buck on winter tires were the Hankook I*cept2. They came in the right size to match stock circumference, and were excellent for winter grip.
All my friends told me mine looked like a hearse. God help you if you bought the 2.7L engine. That thing was a piece of trash that made up its own mind about when it wanted to run. But you really couldn’t knock the utility of the Magnum. The inside was just cavernous.
When you think about Soviet cinema, I’m guessing you tend to picture ponderous WWII epics or maybe Solaris.
Just rent a high-rise apartment in a major metro area, then you can wrench in an underground garage like a caged animal!
hopefully they remember to plug in their coil packs
“De-orbit satellites for fun and profit” sounds like a great Douglas Adams short story
All those backers should know that backing a Kickstarter is rolling the dice on whether you’ll receive anything at all, based on numerous failures to deliver or games delivered that were completely different from the campaign promise.
Whatever happens, though, it should be interesting to watch how the rest of the season goes down
I loved this reference. Such a good series.
They’ll get around to it, they just have to finish HL3 first.
Jason! Don’t you know that Tracy has important rust repair to do? He can’t be pulled away for these little data projects.
That picture of Ballaban is just filled with terror.