Party Walrus

This is a foolishly categorical statement (but I understand why you’re saying it). I’ve wrenched the hell out of my E30, and it continues its task as my daily. My (2nd) aftermarket exhaust and suspension upgrades will make this a much better car.

Also agreed with that point, but now you have a moron and a flawed autonomous system potentially failing together to make the road a safer place, and the moron’s trust in the flawed system to work as it should compounds into willful abandonment of attention to the road and others, rather than a momentary lapse of

My one major problem with the episode is the idiocy of their defensive plan.

Cruise control, ABS, lane assist, reverse auto-braking: all of these are ok in cars now because the expectation is that the human is still in control, and these systems assist that person in maintaining control or avoid a situation that could lead to harm.

To be shamelessly pedantic, the E30 didn’t even have a front center armrest, so removing it in this M3 would be a return to form.

How much is it to maintain one of these things? Are we talking Veyron oil changes prices?

I was going to suggest Detroit, but considering all the coverage I see about Detroit’s failing infrastructure (potholes, falling skywalks, etc.), that’s less likely than Williams winning the Constructor Cup in the next decade.


lol this has to be a joke. Enjoy your Worst Take of the Day.

My brother and I were just talking about how awesome the new Sonata looks, and now I know what color to get. Excellent.

Or, you can just blast FIDLAR tracks at volume 35 and tear all of your speaker cones at once. Ask me how I know.

Nissan is dead to me after not producing the IDx.

Bottas did a circuit preview too, but his Finn-affected English is like a loud-speaker compared to Kimi’s mumbles hahaha

Scrolled down to find this comment/post it myself, was not disappointed.

Now playing

Boy, Kimi’s disinterest in anything that keeps him from overtaking is my favorite.

I just can’t help but look at those headlamp wells and think about how the Chicago slush storm I drove through last night would load those up with snow, rendering them absolutely useless.

Now playing

Storey was eager to hype his young brand as innovative, creative, and with unorthodox marketing—all the typical tag lines—over the course of Jalopnik’s phone interview.

Desperation is slicing your thumb open at 3am while setting the engine timing, wrapping it in a towel, and working through the pain, because your car will get towed tomorrow if you can’t move it.

Can someone explain to me why a FWD car has such a large center console? With a transaxle and an electronic gear selector, isn’t that much space unnecessary?