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Wild Arms confirmed in the first round of announcements?
Makes me sigh every damn time.
Just talked with my roommate’s gf about which car she’s most interested in—the Volvo X60. Why an SUV? Because she feels safer being in a taller vehicle. I kinda wanted to keep asking why until she got to the root of it, but there’s no point in this post-car world.
Pendulums can be situationally better than trail braking if there is very little room in the hairpin. It’s ideal for use in FWD, because it has the tendency to understeer, and you need to gain more rotation of the rear of the car around a very tight corner.
I took Team O’Neil’s rally course in August, and this maneuver is so much fun once you get it down. In a FWD, there’s something magical about counter-steering, then releasing both gas and brake, and the car flicks itself into the corner.
Reminds me of the time that my E30's blower motor stopped working, so I opened the firewall panel to swap it. It was filled with some animal’s work at insulating the heater core compartment; the packed wadding was even clogging up the gas station vacuum as I tried to get it all out.
Let’s be honest, though, the Backer is Notre Dame’s unofficial bar. Scummy as it is, I still love that place.
Beers on the Union Terrace are a delight.
I’m usually a heavy PvE player, and dread having to go back to the crucible for some random quest objective that seems way too hard to complete. But then after a few rounds, I remember just how much fun and rewarding the Crucible can be. I’ll never be anywhere near the best, but it really does change things up after…
I like those wheels mostly because they’re so 80s, but would they be bad for brake longevity? Asking out of genuine curiosity.
*checks for any Datsuns*
Defending/assaulting titans was a blast, if a bit redundant. The walkers and tanks added excellent vehicle strategy (more so than BF1's miserably slow and fragile landships). The maps were filled with good choke-points and escape routes.
Oh my god.
For BF1, you could customize your gear easily in-match, but my only gripe is that you have to wait until the match begins. Why they didn’t allow you to spent the ~2 minutes of loading time swapping load-outs to prepare for the next map is annoying, but is likely a technical limitation with the engine.
This is incredibly annoying if the time it takes to quit is as long as it is in BF1. Takes a full minute sometimes on my old PS4.
This comment needs a content warning. I still have sleepless nights thinking about the lack of IDX in my life.
I was interested in every game that I could get my hands on when I was a kid, and so before I could have my own PC with contemporary specs, we got an old PC that ran Windows 3.1, and I messed around on it trying to find out what it could run. I found that it had an old Dungeons and Dragons DOS game on it. I would play…