Party Walrus
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These will come in handy when the world of 80s B-movie Slipstream becomes reality.

This is the reason I stopped looking at the daily posts on Reddit. I once found this great Toyota Corona cop car—would have been amazing to roll around in after some TLC, but I had way too many problems with my E30 at the time.

Pelican Parts just sends me monthly rebate codes because I’ve bought so many dang parts for me E30. They know how to keep their business coming in.

I’d love to drive an E30 again...specifically mine...that I own right now.

Oh, absolutely. Or a Cleese and Palin sketch.

My top-package 2015 Hyundai Sonata had smart high beams, based on the ambient light and other drivers. It was pretty good at picking up when a car was coming at me, and dropped back to the low-beams.

I know Brits, Kiwis, and Aussies are all from different countries, but this definitely shares the same lineage with Monty Python and Flight of the Conchords in terms of satire. Hilarious.

I can’t not think of this when I look at where the grille should be.

I dunno what Space Race is but I want to play it.

My ‘89 325i did the same thing to me: drew me in with its German engineering and promises of fun weekends wrenching, and smacked me with all sorts of unseen issues: transmission eventually got internally jammed in reverse, suspension needed a full refresh, the oil pan plug threads had been ruined, and despite the PO’s

Please let Raph animorph into cars more often.

Also, there’s a distinct hint of Gene Wolfe in all of this

Welp. Now I need to go fire up Wild Arms again.

this definitely explains why Nintendo made Kirby a 2D/2.5D sidescroller.

As a huge fan of Desert Golfing and the zen-like state of relaxation it provides, this kind of shark-ery is so disappointing.

I can’t ignore all of those straps that say DJ Safety.

I need someone from Jalopnik to breakdown the car that the protagonist is driving. Quad exhast? Digital dash? Crazy gullwing-ish doors? Yes.

Boy, it’s just nice to see a customized car without a ridiculous amount of negative camber.

I will say that after using the LimeBike bikes at a college campus last weekend, the service is incredibly useful and convenient. But after getting woken up at 7am to one of the bikes screaming outside my window that it was going to call the cops, I absolutely agree that the notification is annoying.