Are you playing on PC or console?
Are you playing on PC or console?
My favorite podcast boys also had the same reaction (at the end of this bit)
My car’s transmission recently got stuck in reverse, so I can sympathize.
Why do games with futuristic fantasy keep bringing back bows? In WarFrame, it makes sense, because you’re a wall-running space ninja, so stealth is ideal. But in Destiny, this really doesn’t make any sense, as bullets don’t seem to be in any short supply. I understand that the Nightstalker has a bow super, but it’s…
awesome story!
This post got me excited that there was Netrunner release on Android, but alas, that’s just a weird titling for the game. I’ll have to check this out anyway. Great article!
Love this write-up. I need to do the same thing for the E30 I just bought.
I’d been looking forward to this release for a while...and I had to go on a work trip the day before it released.
#6. YES.
#6. YES.
The cut trailer scene in which Jyn and Cassian say “Good,” “Good” seems like it was part of a sequence of them escaping Scarif. They didn’t have a mutual respect when they left Jedha, so that seems like a scene that would come after they just pulled off stealing the plans. None of the other horizons looks like that…
The laptop gun is definitely the best of the bunch. There’s nothing like that draw/holster animation.
There’s a mod for the PC versions that let you use a controller just as it functioned on console; takes a little bit of time to set up, but once you do it’s a great experience.
Can’t wait to replay Machinarium (and destroy my PS4 in frustration at the Nuts and Bolts minigame).
Does anyone know if private matches require a PS Plus subscription?