SnapUndersteerFTW, Italian Spiderman

A Golf R, Focus RS , or wingless STI are all cars that you could drive to work and not be judged for your ridiculous Fast and Furious style tuner car. That’s the difference.

Which is baffling because anyone would be able to effectively use Sync3 in a very short amount of time.

Everything is Russia

I’m sharing some of my reply to Matt Novak b/c I’m grey so you’d never see it otherwise:

how can someone argue the definition of a word when its clearly defined? I think Trump is rubbing off on you.

Matt, I think you need to get a better understanding of the definition of treason. While all of the actions you’re laying out here are reprehensible, treason is aiding a foreign country that we have declared war with. There have only ever been a handful of people charged with treason in the United States, most of them

And then 81 laps today

Congratulations, Mr. Matt Brown, on COTD! My award to you is a Chrysler Sebring 300 which this lovely lady will deliver right after she fixes her hair.

Engine: a Honda engine.

If they can make 700+ HP with a 1.6L, what’s it matter how many pistons they have? Especially when you consider the hybrids systems, these things are beasts. I’m a big fan of the screaming V8 predecessors, but other than the sounds there really isn’t any reason one is better than the other.

Mark Hamill has read some of his tweets as the Joker... so, you’re not far off?

It’s really bad design that those two buttons are right next to each other.

Goddammit, you were supposed to drop the bombs!

Carpet bombing and hand delivery of nukes is kinda antiquated. Do we really need to have the most expensive of every piece of equipment in our military? I for one am ashamed we spend more on our military in the entire world than any other country yet we can’t provide health care for our own citizens. wtf.

One of these things is not like the other...

Works for me.

“6-beers? You talking about pre-tailgating?”

This is terrible... but I think we all have the same question: how does one who is bound to a wheelchair control the beast that is a GTR? There are tons of physically functional humans who can’t drive one, and this guy can’t walk, but he can harness the 500+ HP? Mustang owners should be ashamed of themselves.

If there is a “Trump” audible, what do you think it is?