SnapUndersteerFTW, Italian Spiderman

He said he was conservative.

I don’t agree with what she’s saying on principle, but I’d be glad to be proven wrong on a scientific level if they can quantify that men are more aggressive than women.

If you think this is a controversial take from Danica, you should listen to her podcast.

Never mind this bullshit, it won’t fix the greys issue that has plagued Kinja for nearly 10 fucking years.  No one posts porn here anymore, why can’t we just be SEEN?  I couldn’t give a toss if my Twitter linked account just stops working, noone can see me anyway.

Would you even buy it brand new off the dealer floor?

Can’t get mad that we don’t get this car. We complained that we don’t get some thing and Ford said, you’re right. Then they started to sell us these gems.....and we didn’t buy it. Now we don’t get it. Before we yell at Ford I want you, all of you to take a look in the mirror and blame the person looking back at you

Just this morning I mailed a letter to Ford to ask for this car. Please join me in this futile effort.

Not going to lie, it took me a long time to appreciate the song. But I definitely teared up when he didn’t show up to sing it.

Jesus! I saw Jim Nabors in the headline and thought it would be followed by “Accused of Groping Some Women”, or something like that. I’ve never been so relieved to find out someone was only dead. R.I.P.

I saved an armadillo, does that count?

Removing the cat probably violated some of China’s strict emissions laws.

I’m buying that that was one crap draw for Halep.

Just don’t take it for a loop...

I prefer the combination of Hood and Boot, the Hoboot

Interesting ... I’m going to call it a Boont

We are Froot.

I’d just like to point out that I greatly dislike the term “Frunk.” I much prefer the combination of the British-sourced “Boot” with the common “Front” for the delightful “Froot.”

But does it baby?

it’s funny that the passenger controls the pedals

GODDAMNIT, WOULD SOMEBODY JUST SLIT THE THROAT OF THAT DUMB, IMBECILE, SANSA, PLEASE? Has that fucker learnt nothing? No, you stupid spoiled idiot, it’s not that you can’t question your brother - even if your point is beyond stupid, as it was -, just try to not do it in front of the very houses he is trying to keep